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Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
23 July 2007 22:31
Anonymous Quote:

Did you like the site? blush

Yeah, you did a very good work! My compliments! Even if I cannot read Polish it seems very well organized.

A suggestion: modify mod_debug to be visible to admins only and put the "Powered by Drake CMS" link smile

I still intend to release these simple cart components/module/drabot freely, but i sure would like the site to work 100% first smile

Of course smileYou have a done a very good work with the cart, it is perfectly as lite as Drake CMS is smile
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
24 July 2007 07:16
Anonymous Hey legolas

Thanks for your response.

First, sorry about the "Powered By Drake CMS" missing link, this was an old template i just dressed drake with...

Now, i think this is a bug: i cannot create a Search component instance. I removed it from mainmenu in the past since there was no "Unpublish" button, and now i cannot bring it back.
When trying to create a component instance by creating a Component menuitem, Search is not in the list (maybe because it is a Core component).
So... how to do it, how to get search functionality back to a Drake site? (i tried to post a bug report on this one, but i cannot log in from work into any remote site:(, plus i find sourceforge sooo unintuitive and liveless...)

Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
24 July 2007 08:04
Anonymous Quote:
Thanks for your response.

And thanks to you for helping the growth of Drake CMS! smile
First, sorry about the "Powered By Drake CMS" missing link, this was an old template i just dressed drake with...

No problem, better later than never... smileNow at least is visible when hovering

Now, i think this is a bug: i cannot create a Search component instance. I removed it from mainmenu in the past since there was no "Unpublish" button, and now i cannot bring it back.

Actually you should have used the "access group" field; however, there is now a similar facility to disable a menu item without editing it


When trying to create a component instance by creating a Component menuitem, Search is not in the list (maybe because it is a Core component).

Now fixed. Be sure to manually make all the changes to your database if you are using v0.4.5 from SVN; for example, now there have been these changes and you should update the database accordingly


(i tried to post a bug report on this one, but i cannot log in from work into any remote site :(, plus i find sourceforge sooo unintuitive and liveless...)

Sorry but we will move away from SF.net when the project will be a little bigger; we will have custom facilities and we will make them very easy to use wink
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
25 July 2007 10:20
Anonymous I had created a forum topic for the component instances vs menu items issue:

http://drakecms.sourceforge.net/index.php?option=forum&task= v...

Maybe you want to reply there about that subject; I plan to make UI improvements in the backend to ease the customization task, so all suggestions are welcome
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
17 August 2007 02:05
Anonymous Hi catasoft

Just interested in how the shopping cart is going...


Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
17 August 2007 10:17
Anonymous Hi catasoft,

as soon as you get back working on the source code of your component and/or when you will need any support from us, please tell us!

Also, feel free to point out (again) what are the "dead ends" that you reached during development: we want to remove them.
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
17 August 2007 11:52
Anonymous Hey legolas

Thanks for asking.
I reached a dead end with the whole concept, cause i was just tired of fixing things and finding issues. I totally appreciate your work guys, and i guess now that i put so much work into this i could at least finish it and the site, based on Drake.

Issues i encountered before pausing development:

1. I couldn't use and implement your steps concerning how to make the search component work (changes described here)

2. I dislike the fact that when using sef-url's, Drake uses article title, which in the case of certain languages (like Romanian, or other kirilic based languages- Bulgarian, Russian, Mongolian etc) would probably break current URL "guidlines"- shouldn't URL's contain only ASCII chars?

3. I dislike the multiplication of links- for each article there are basically 3 links (which i noticed google indexes separately):
-direct view-link
-direct link with Pathway (contains itemid i think- this is how it worked in limbo)
-direct link for printing (index2.php).
This is totally not right.
I assume i could somehow tell Google to nofollow, or noindex index2.php, but the others are still multiple content. This is the old Mambo/Joomla issue, where the creators state that these are CMS's and what matters is the menu organization of the content.
I would rather prefer a Section/Cathegory/ContentItem organization, and whenever a content item is displayed, the Pathway and interface should be rendered based on where it is located in the overall Content structure rather than how the visitor got there (from Frontpage, or other pages).

4. Emails sent using the contact form don't get sent. I only have one user registered who is administrator, and i assume he (which is myself) should receive emails sent using the contact form, but no email reaches me. Messages do however get saved in the Messages screen from admin area.
Since my Cart component is based on Contact component (the form part anyway), the mails don't get sent either.

5. How do i upgrade my drake to the latest release? I think the search component issue was solved there. Can i do that easily? I use v0.4.5Beta r3926.
So i just download and upgrade?

Now, if u were to ask me about what i would add to Drake, i would say 2 things:
1) A taxonomy component like in Drupal- only simpler:)- this would allow for some very fine granularity of access rights to specific components)
2) Real SEF-URL's- totally eliminate ? and & with virtual folders. I looked over how Joomla sef does it, but the source is so complicated (so many calls that my head was spinning sillyand i don't know of any code-profiler for php code. do you?) that i gave up. I thought i could figure it out and make it work in DrakeCMS.
3) Real flexible multi-language (not even big CMS's have it)

We keep in touch.
If you guys can help me solve any the 5 mentionned "nodes" in my development, i'd be more thank happy to have the site finally work 100%.

Thanks again

Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
17 August 2007 13:39
Anonymous Quote:

Hey legolas

Thanks for asking.
I reached a dead end with the whole concept, cause i was just tired of fixing things and finding issues.

"fixing things and finding issues" that's what I do all days with Drake CMS sidewayshowever I understand your feelings, I do not pretend that a developer should face all those troubles in future development!


I totally appreciate your work guys, and i guess now that i put so much work into this i could at least finish it and the site, based on Drake.

And, as always, we are here to support your efforts smile

Issues i encountered before pausing development:

1. I couldn't use and implement your steps concerning how to make the search component work (changes described here)

Please try this workaround


2. I dislike the fact that when using sef-url's, Drake uses article title, which in the case of certain languages (like Romanian, or other kirilic based languages- Bulgarian, Russian, Mongolian etc) would probably break current URL "guidlines"- shouldn't URL's contain only ASCII chars?

Version 0.4.6 (on SVN) only takes the ASCII characters from the title - I am open to suggestions to this approach


3. I dislike the multiplication of links- for each article there are basically 3 links (which i noticed google indexes separately):
-direct view-link
-direct link with Pathway (contains itemid i think- this is how it worked in limbo)
-direct link for printing (index2.php).
This is totally not right.

I agree, this is totally not right.
About the direct view-link: can you make an example with the current SVN default install? Maybe you are referring to the home page only?


I assume i could somehow tell Google to nofollow, or noindex index2.php, but the others are still multiple content.

I have now added proper nofollow and alternate rel attributes, please verify them with the latest SVN version


This is the old Mambo/Joomla issue, where the creators state that these are CMS's and what matters is the menu organization of the content.
I would rather prefer a Section/Cathegory/ContentItem organization, and whenever a content item is displayed, the Pathway and interface should be rendered based on where it is located in the overall Content structure rather than how the visitor got there (from Frontpage, or other pages).

I agree with you and with your help I think we can quality-test the CMS to reach this goal. However, it will be always meaningful the menu item which generated the page view because menu items hold component instances, which have the necessary parameters which are the base of this CMS' modularization.

I am just saying how things are currently, we might change them after proper redesign.

About the Section/Category/ContentItem and Pathway consistency: doesn't Drake CMS already satisfy this?


4. Emails sent using the contact form don't get sent. I only have one user registered who is administrator, and i assume he (which is myself) should receive emails sent using the contact form, but no email reaches me. Messages do however get saved in the Messages screen from admin area.
Since my Cart component is based on Contact component (the form part anyway), the mails don't get sent either.

This is not a Drake CMS bug, the cause of the problem might be elsewhere. Here's a checklist for you:
  1. is logging to file enabled? Check that in System -> General the logging is enabled to private/log.php (and that you have file write permissions on that file)

  2. try to send an email

  3. go read the private/log.php file either directly or from System -> Log

You will eventually find there the message which prevented the email from being sent. Most probably, mail() is not working correctly. That's a PHP configuration problem.
Otherwise, maybe your receiving server is filtering emails sent from the website. Try to make a testmail.php file with a test mail() statement and see what happens.


5. How do i upgrade my drake to the latest release? I think the search component issue was solved there. Can i do that easily? I use v0.4.5Beta r3926.
So i just download and upgrade?

When a new release is available the version picture, usually green, becomes red and clicking it you will be directed to the update wizard. Basically, you can install the updates from System -> Online updates. The patches there will modify the database and then the files.

NO, it is not a good practice to overwrite all the files because if there have been database changes in the next version your database will not be updated! This will probably mean data loss in most cases, unless you go back to the previous version.


Now, if u were to ask me about what i would add to Drake, i would say 2 things:

Of course I am interested smile

1) A taxonomy component like in Drupal- only simpler:)- this would allow for some very fine granularity of access rights to specific components)

Yes, we miss a lot of admin backend features sad

2) Real SEF-URL's- totally eliminate ? and & with virtual folders. I looked over how Joomla sef does it, but the source is so complicated (so many calls that my head was spinning sillyand i don't know of any code-profiler for php code. do you?) that i gave up. I thought i could figure it out and make it work in DrakeCMS.

It is not Joomla which makes that, and yes it is possible to do the same with Drake CMS smileYou will need to hack Apache's mod_rewrite, read this


3) Real flexible multi-language (not even big CMS's have it)

You mean to write a content item in one language, then click another flag and write it in the other language?
Yes, we will have that feature smileBut not before our database restructuration..


We keep in touch.
If you guys can help me solve any the 5 mentionned "nodes" in my development, i'd be more thank happy to have the site finally work 100%.

Thanks again


Please keep asking us! I will be happy to help you with everything's needed smile
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
17 August 2007 21:40
Anonymous Hey legolas

Indeed the mail gives an error:
At 2007/08/17 18:48:43 GMT with priority 5: Could not send email using mail()

But here's what i did next: i uploaded phpmailer and ran it's tests. By default it was set to smtp and mails reached my email address just fine.

Then i tweaked the source so as to use mail() to send them and that also worked just fine.

So could this be a gelomail issue?

Could i ask why u guys don't use phpmailer? I heard the Joomla people used something else be4 but decided for this one lastly. I guess we could learn from their decisions...

So... what could it be? unsure
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
23 August 2007 08:33
Anonymous Quote:

Hey legolas

Indeed the mail gives an error:
At 2007/08/17 18:48:43 GMT with priority 5: Could not send email using mail()

But here's what i did next: i uploaded phpmailer and ran it's tests. By default it was set to smtp and mails reached my email address just fine.

Because it probably connects to SMTP via sockets


Then i tweaked the source so as to use mail() to send them and that also worked just fine.

I hope you have modified private/custom_mailer.php as it is meant to allow plugging of any other mailing system


So could this be a gelomail issue?

No, it is a PHP configuration issue. The standard mail() is not working or disabled by your host provider.


Could i ask why u guys don't use phpmailer? I heard the Joomla people used something else be4 but decided for this one lastly.

Yes, you can ask smileWe are not using PHPmailer because it is not (yet) enough "lite" for this CMS. But we are providing a plug to use any other mailer, as you have experienced (in file private/custom_mailer.php).
To tell the truth I had tried to integrate that class but the results were not satisfactory so I postponed the possible integration...the GeloMail class is just a wrapper around PHP's mail() function (or the one defined in custom_mailer.php), it basically is the Drake CMS mailing system as provides some tools for mail management


I guess we could learn from their decisions...

Coding decisions have to be made on a case by case basis, it's not the same codebase that we have, and not the same goals - otherwise we would not be here smileIn this case, as explained above, PHPMailer is left at the user's choice since the standard PHP's mail() usually works.

If PHPMailer will fix the issue for a lot of users, we might consider its integration anyway smile
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
05 September 2007 11:14
Anonymous Hey Legolas

I'd really like to replace the characters in the URL, also have those nice nofollow in links to index2.
This would mean upgrading to 0.4.6.
i have 0.4.5, and since
-i can't just copy the new 0.4.6 sources (db structure may have changed)
-i don't want to get 0.4.6 and reinstall everything (content articles, interface customization) from the start
How can i get the latest sources and make them work? Is there any way to also apply the database diff's?

Could i just backup the current db, install the latest svn version and then load the backup? Could it work?


P.S. I'd like to finish this site and get it off my mind these days smileso i'll keep asking
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
06 September 2007 18:36
Anonymous Quote:

How can i get the latest sources and make them work? Is there any way to also apply the database diff's?

Usually, the database import is updated so the database diffs will be automatically applied. BUT, it is possible that the imported version does not work correctly or that the import code from previous versions is not yet written!


Could i just backup the current db, install the latest svn version and then load the backup? Could it work?

Right now that I am writing and possibly during the next days, YES. BUT, read these two notices:

  1. there might be some not yet discovered bugs happening after import, in such case tell us and we'll fix them!

  2. do not expect to use the resulting website as a production environment, because if there are more database changes (and probably there will be) your database will not be a valid 0.4.6 database

So, if you want to test, yes you can proceed. But do not put an SVN revision on an production website! We cannot support SVN revisions


P.S. I'd like to finish this site and get it off my mind these days smileso i'll keep asking

Please do! smile
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
07 September 2007 20:05
Anonymous Regarding PHPMailer: v0.4.6 does not use PHPMailer but does use its SMTP and sendmail code, and the mailer is chosen during install time.

So now you should no more have troubles if PHP's mail() does not work cheerful

Edit: Drake CMS also implements BSD mail (I wrote that implementation and it's the one used for this website hosted at SF.net)
Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
14 November 2007 21:32
Anonymous Hi catasoft,

if you are going to share the shopping component/module/drabot I will personally put it on SVN and start reviewing it.

As Drake CMS approaches a more Stable release there will be greater interest in such component and I would not like to start from scratch since you have already done a lot of work on it.

Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
19 November 2007 10:09
Anonymous Hello Legolas

Sorry about the late response, i simply am overwhelved with work since a few months ago.
I would be more than happy to give you the component/module/drabot, i just have to remind u that:
-it's not 100% testes
-it's very simplistic
-it uses derivative of the contact-form component to deliver the mail
-i still haven't managed to send an email (maybe it it a server thing) so basically i gave up the idea of using Drake for this library project.

I appreciate your fast response back when i was actively working on the component, hope Drake will become stable soon enough: it will surely be a great option in the world of lightweight CMS solutions.

Please tell me how can i send you the sources... Maybe PM me the email? Or if you know my email address (being an admin and all) send an email from yours:)

Re: Simple ShoppingCart component/modules...
19 November 2007 11:04
Anonymous OK, I have sent you an email smile
I will put your work on SVN so that everybody else can contribute/finish it.

Thank you!!! cheerful
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