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going to add a feature request where there are multi pages in a
forum to have the: << Start < Prev 1 2 3 Next > End
>> to also be at the top as well as the bottom.
Re: Wrong encoding ?
01 October 2007 11:50
Just like trex1512 said. For me it's also the
same as before.
Re: Wrong encoding ?
01 October 2007 14:33
Just like
trex1512 said. For me it's also the same as
Are you getting ENGLISH or POLISH
day names?
Re: Wrong encoding ?
01 October 2007 14:42
Here I'm getting Polish day names with wrong encoding. Just like
trex1512 and just like at beginning of this
problem. No changes.
Re: Wrong encoding ?
01 October 2007 15:46
Here, Polish names with the errors like this: Pon Wto śr
Czw Piļ/td> Sob Nie
On my other site the names
now appear correctly like this: Pon Wto śro Czw Pią Sob
I previousely got the encoding error here and on
my test site.
Re: Wrong encoding ?
03 October 2007 00:53
Here I'm getting
Polish day names with wrong encoding. Just like
trex1512 and just like at beginning of this
problem. No changes.
Aaargh, I had understood
that you were getting English day names since the beginning! Now
it looks more clear..
So the raw encoding provided by
utf8.php does not work correctly - somebody should add a bug
tracker item for this; it happens on PHP4 without any valid PHP
function allowing UTF8 conversion
Re: Wrong encoding ?
03 October 2007 15:34
Here I'm getting
Polish day names with wrong encoding. Just like
trex1512 and just like at beginning of this
problem. No changes.
Aaargh, I had
understood that you were getting English day
names since the beginning! Now it looks more clear..
I have POLISH day names since the beginning,
NOT ENGLISH. The encoding of Polish letters is wrong. For example
it should be:
or like on
trex1512 screenshot (different version of day
names, but also good).
Looks like that I
and Terry see the correct encoding. I am now sure that the
problem is on the browser-side.
Can you please see
what encoding is selected in (Firefox) View -> Encoding? It
should be UTF-8 in order to see the characters
also try with a different browser. One fact is given for sure:
Drake CMS does not send different encodings, it always sends the
same UTF8 - which browser does not matter
Re: Wrong encoding ?
03 October 2007 21:48
The encoding in all 3 of my browsers (IE, Firefox,
Opera) is set to UTF-8 as a default. So, results I've had (wrong
encoding), and still have, are always created with UTF-8
encoding. I've tried also other encodings - no change.
I think it's more on server related problem (and LOCALE), than
browser. On my local server (screenshot above) day names are
being shown properly: Pn Wt Śr Cz Pt So N. On Terry's server
(screenshot in Terry's post) different day names are shown, but
they also are properly encoded: Pon Wto śro Czw Pią Sob Nie.
They're different, but both are acceptable.
Here, on
sourceforge, I ALWAYS have wrong encoding, I've tried with 3
DIFFERENT internet browsers and MORE people have reported that
they can see wrong encoding (Terry for example).
'Feels like there is no solution'
Re: Wrong encoding ?
04 October 2007 05:59
I think I agree with stigi..server config or even server system
These are my results:
1. When
viewing polish lang on, using IE and
Avant on a Win XP box and using Firefox and Konqerer on a linux
box, always: Pon Wto śr Czw Piļ/td> Sob Nie
When viewing polish lang HERE, using IE and Avant on a Win XP box and
using Firefox and Konqerer on a linux box, always: Mon Tue Wed
Thu Fri Sat Sun
3. When viewing polish lang HERE, using IE and Avant on a
Win XP box and using Firefox and Konqerer on a linux box, before
the changes as described in 1, NOW after updates etc Pon Wto śro
Czw Pią Sob Nie
Re: Wrong encoding ?
04 October 2007 15:18
I'm getting EXACTLY the same results as Terry, on all 3x
mentioned websites.
Re: Wrong encoding ?
04 October 2007 21:59
Is the problem now fixed?
Re: Wrong encoding ?
04 October 2007 23:13
Man, you are a genius! What have you done? Thank you very much!
Polish works (Pon Wto śro Czw Pią Sob Nie), Turkish also. The
white line (spacer) is already fixed in SVN version (too long
names for 'Previous' and 'Next' link).
Re: Wrong encoding ?
04 October 2007 23:43
A shout of Eureka would not be out of place here...
Re: Wrong encoding ?
05 October 2007 09:58
really a genius, an idiot I'd say: I was using substr() to cut the day names
to 4 characters, but I forgot that substr() is not consistent
with UTF8 strings...
There's now a specific function
to cut the string to 4 characters using regular expressions; fast
and working as (almost) always Thanks
for having helped at individuating and fixing this nasty issue!
Re: Wrong encoding ?
05 October 2007 10:47
So now Polish langiuage is working correctly.
However when viewing Greek, Spanish, Slovakia language on, using IE and Avant on a Win XP box day
names are always: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
the _LOCALE variable needs looking at for those language
Re: Wrong encoding ?
05 October 2007 12:59
I agree.
Probably some of the _LOCALE values for
languages with English day names (instead of their) are missing
or are not set properly.
Looks like the mantainers did not
update their language files; I will tell to the Translators'
coordinator, billyv, to send them an email on
the translators mailing list.