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Home page Templates > New Admin Template based on 48px icons Permanent link to this page
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Re: Screen Shots, New Admin Template proposal
05 November 2007 07:30
Anonymous Quote:

Thanks Trex and legolas, it was my birthday today (04.nov) so i`m happy you apreciate my work.

Argh, I missed it out! Happy Birthday cheerful I hope you saved a slice of cake for me!
Re: New Admin Template based on 48px icons
05 November 2007 12:00
Anonymous legolas, about the drake icons: i`ve tried to shadow it, but unfortunately i don`t have original image, with transparency to make it look nice; i would suggest to let it like it is now... for the moment at least. maybe you send me the original hi-res drake image with transparency of course (or one with big contrast -- for example... drake in black, background in white)...
P.S.: i don`t like cakes, only beer tongue(hope to share some bottles when drake will go mainstream like joomla -- is it possible? w00t-- and wi'll have dev mettings like them tongue)
Re: New Admin Template based on 48px icons
06 November 2007 11:49
Anonymous Hi Adrian,

almost all your icons have been put in the default admin template. Excellent work!

I have not modified the header since I think it's OK for now.

Thank you again!

P.S. we still have to work on the CSS customization of com_start so that admin templates can override the default icon size
Re: New Admin Template based on 48px icons
09 November 2007 18:16
Anonymous Ok, thanks for implementing and for credit. About header image, i made it in 5 mins... (i made some icons in more time whistling). But i think is much better than the actual... Also bkground color was choosed after the rollover colour in the toolbar menu items, so i think it looks very decent. wink
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