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Re : Main menue and links
05 June 2007 22:06
Anonymous Ok, I will test it and I like drake, even when it is buggy... wink

I will test the link in menue...
Re : Main menue and links
05 June 2007 23:18
Anonymous JUHU!! It works in the SVN... w00t shocked

Another question to the type of menue I can add:
What is a wrapper, seperator, etc...

And when should I use the special types, in which situation..
It would be nice if you release some docs about this...
Re : Main menue and links
06 June 2007 02:11
Anonymous Great that the coming soon v0.4.3 will fix all the issues found up to now cheerful

About documentation: I will add the pages that you requested (check back the online docs within a few hours), however the writing of the Administrator and User manual has stopped because there is a professional documentation writer who is going to write an User manual for Drake CMS within the next months.

So, keep asking for specific documents, but don't expect the documentation to be complete before September/October.

Re : Main menue and links
06 June 2007 02:44
Anonymous Ok, this are good news, I see a great future for drake... cheerful

Within 0.4.3 I will start my project with drake...
I heard there will be changes in the css, are they in 0.4.3 or in a later version?

I would like to have a green template... I will see if I could create one, but I will wait for my summer holidays, they are coming soon...
cool tongue
Re : Main menue and links
06 June 2007 03:19
Anonymous Unfortunately the CSS restructuration has been moved to v0.4.4, but it will ease a lot the template creation task if you'll wait for it.

Anyway, the CSS in v0.4.3 is perfectly stable and you can also use it to create your template. You will just have to update it for v0.4.4
Re : Main menue and links
06 June 2007 03:39
Anonymous Important to know...

I will wait and see.. When I'm bored I perhaps create a template
Re : Main menue and links
07 June 2007 05:26
Anonymous Ok! You will get all the help you need - anyway smile
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