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Home page > Bug Reports > Testing Drake CMS Permanent link to this page
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Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 07:35
Anonymous Thanks Sea Mac! cheerful

I will mostly use them for XHTML testing.

About the restore bug: I have added a bug tracker item

And another thing: sorry but I forgot to update the version number to 0.2.5 (although the revision is correct) and the version number reported in the initial news item, I will soon make a release update to fix that. pinch
Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 07:37
Anonymous legolas558 wrote:
Thanks Sea Mac! cheerful

I will mostly use them for XHTML testing.

About the restore bug: I have added a bug tracker item

And another thing: sorry but I forgot to update the version number to 0.2.5 (although the revision is correct) and the version number reported in the initial news item, I will soon make a release update to fix that. pinch

Were you able to Login as Admin on Either Site?

(Hopefully .... ?)
Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 07:40
Anonymous Sea Mac wrote:

Were you able to Login as Admin on Either Site?

(Hopefully .... ?)

Just tried...YES! smile
Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 08:03
Anonymous Excellent!

Just to let you Know: we DO NOT Need to Use Drake CMS on our site after all ...

One of our members GAVE US a Hosting Plan with 5 MySQL databases to start with (2 Gigs of Space: $9 a month 250 Gig Transfer limits).

We May have Joomla or Plone or PHP-NUKE or Whatever Open Source we can Scrounge up ....

So - I put one of those 5 Databases to use anyways: for Drake!

I won't abandon you: I'll try to keep both Set ups at the end of the Trunk.

You let me know when a Clean Install is needed, OK?

And you will know what you are testing for and what those bug tracker items mean .... grin so it's MUCH Easier to let YOU test it out: and I'll leave both of them as your Own Little Private test beds.

This is practically the best service I can give you anyways: A "Real World" setup that YOU can Test to Destroy, as you like it ....

Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 08:07
Anonymous Now: as soon as you automate version updates over internet from the Admin 'backend' .....

you'll be able to keep both test sites at Trunk End YOURSELF! There will be no need to bother me to update you (But it's no bother ... ).

In April you may lose the Gladius test site when we move .....
Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 08:12
Anonymous Very nice, thank you for the testing websites! I hope some other user will join testing with them because I have little time at the moment...

About your betrayal: no problem, Drake CMS is still a little guy and we are going to make it grow (without having it become fat, of course) tongue
Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 08:39
Anonymous And the last time I tested it (A Couple of Hours ago) it was working fine. I even but an article or two in content items - REAL content that belongs on our home site!

Read for yourself: we are Done with Drake but not VERY Done .... w00t devil tongue

Merry Christmas Lance & Legolas558!

(Still a Team member: hoping someday to code again. Maybe for Drake ...)

It's the People of the Forum I'm mostly Shepherding along - it's how we met .....

I'm Still 'looking for the Answer' and we HAVEN'T Decided on a Replace ment yet.

I Should ask you: I know you'll be honest with me. And You KNOW a Lot about Web Security: I'm still a Kitten in with the Lions ....

For Security and Ease of Use: What CMS would YOU Choose to work with if You wanted to have a new (minimal) site ready to go in 2007? I know I shouldn't try to Use Drake for a "real' web site but I NEED a 'REAL' Web Site NOW!

So you see ... I must move faster than our development calendar permits. And Yet I hold a Commitment to those I befriend ... I will "play" with Drake(s) and Add Content and Backup Databases, and so on. I must learn how this Class of Software 'works' somehow and Drake is like my 'Training wheels' and my First Ride ....

And: which FORUM should I choose for Best Security? (I'm thinking Simple Machine Forums ... )

Besides: we have ALL Fallen in Love with the Dragon in the Drake Logo! I thought a "Drake" was a Male Duck ... But when we saw the Dragon Rampant straight off of as Heraldic Shield I REMEMBERED that this small type of Dragon was ALSO referred to as a "Drake". EVERYONE was (IS) excited a Having a REAL Dragon in the Fold.

Oh, no! You won't get rid of us THAT Easily!

I'm still VERY Interested in this WHOLE "SVN" Process and want to learn how to do more than "Check Out" the end of the Trunk! No, I think I'll be annoying you with bug reports, and dumb questions, and newbie problems (Like not knowing there was a .7z GUI for Macintosh [thank you!]), for awhile yet ....

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Your Friend: Carl McCall (C. Mc.) Sea Mac [my initials pronounced]
Re:Testing Drake CMS
02 December 2006 09:19
Anonymous Sea Mac wrote:
And the last time I tested it (A Couple of Hours ago) it was working fine. I even but an article or two in content items - REAL content that belongs on our home site!

Read for yourself: we are Done with Drake but not VERY Done .... w00t devil tongue

Merry Christmas Lance & Legolas558!

Eheh..wait a day or two, I fear somebody will find something not working properly. Meanwhile development goes on... ermm


(Still a Team member: hoping someday to code again. Maybe for Drake ...)

So I hope cool


It's the People of the Forum I'm mostly Shepherding along - it's how we met .....

I'm Still 'looking for the Answer' and we HAVEN'T Decided on a Replace ment yet.

I Should ask you: I know you'll be honest with me. And You KNOW a Lot about Web Security: I'm still a Kitten in with the Lions ....

For Security and Ease of Use: What CMS would YOU Choose to work with if You wanted to have a new (minimal) site ready to go in 2007? I know I shouldn't try to Use Drake for a "real' web site but I NEED a 'REAL' Web Site NOW!

Hey Carl, I was joking! I know what you mean, I would use Joomla myself and I haven't yet put Drake CMS on any production website


So you see ... I must move faster than our development calendar permits. And Yet I hold a Commitment to those I befriend ... I will "play" with Drake(s) and Add Content and Backup Databases, and so on. I must learn how this Class of Software 'works' somehow and Drake is like my 'Training wheels' and my First Ride ....

Try Drake's big brothers and come back in a few months reporting what you saw and what you would like to see in Drake: if features will not be too much encumbering they will probably be added.


And: which FORUM should I choose for Best Security? (I'm thinking Simple Machine Forums ... )

Prolly yes...I dunno..I would probably choose it over phpBB because of lightness


Besides: we have ALL Fallen in Love with the Dragon in the Drake Logo! I thought a "Drake" was a Male Duck ... But when we saw the Dragon Rampant straight off of as Heraldic Shield I REMEMBERED that this small type of Dragon was ALSO referred to as a "Drake". EVERYONE was (IS) excited a Having a REAL Dragon in the Fold.

Oh, no! You won't get rid of us THAT Easily!

I'm still VERY Interested in this WHOLE "SVN" Process and want to learn how to do more than "Check Out" the end of the Trunk! No, I think I'll be annoying you with bug reports, and dumb questions, and newbie problems (Like not knowing there was a .7z GUI for Macintosh [thank you!]), for awhile yet ....

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing No problem, I am always here for anything you need

Your Friend: Carl McCall (C. Mc.) Sea Mac [my initials pronounced]

I suppose you better like being called 'Carl' instead of 'Sea Mac'? smile

Hope to hear from you soon, my friend
Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
21 January 2007 14:24
Anonymous Hello!

In Addition to leaving a Testbed Copy with Gladius at http://www.entheo-worldeyes.org/drake/
I AM willing to Install and Maintain a SQL copy on my new domain http://softwaresanta.com for you guys to test.

I've been Busy setting up my Domain lately ...


Re:Testing Drake CMS
21 January 2007 14:38
Anonymous It's great to hear from you again! laughing

I have also been busy and I am (from today) polishing again Drake CMS. I have fixed a few bugs and now I will work on the features.

Version 0.2.6 should be released soon.

See you!
Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
21 January 2007 14:49
Anonymous Tried Installing a SQL Drake on Software Santa:

"by legolas558
Veloce extraction wizard

Warning: filesize(): Stat failed for ././404.php (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /home/carl/public_html/drake/veloce.php on line 876
Extracted file '././404.php' does not have the correct file size '' ('292' expected). Archive may be corrupted.

Notice: PclTar: Extracted file '././404.php' does not have the correct file size '' ('292' expected). Archive may be corrupted. [code -7] in /home/carl/public_html/drake/veloce.php on line 76

100.00% complete"

Nuts! I just downloaded that from source forge - set up a Folder and an SQL Database for my Drake test bed - and Veloce cries something is wrong ...
Re:Testing Drake CMS
21 January 2007 14:51
Anonymous I'll send you via email an SVN tarball snapshot, I fear you have unix standard TAR format issues
Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
21 January 2007 14:56
Anonymous Don't it's installed
Sea Mac
Re:Testing Drake CMS
21 January 2007 15:54
Anonymous Thanks for the Latest Build!

You have administrative access now.

http://softwaresanta.com/drake/ build 1087 MySQL installed.

I will update the Gladius Installation at EWE to 1087 also ...

Go try it out ... Carl
Re:Testing Drake CMS
30 January 2007 17:03
Anonymous The explanation of how to use SVN has been moved to the following wiki page


Feel free to add improvements/change it. (It's wiki tissue, after all wink )
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