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Home page > Modules > mod_stream module + admin component coming soon! Permanent link to this page
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mod_stream module + admin component coming soon!
08 November 2006 17:53
Anonymous Hi drakers,

I am working on a streaming module (click to open the relative sf.net feature tracker) which will allow to have a QuickTime, Windows Media or any other player. The module already works but I need some testing to make the admin component (com_streams) work and the package installer.

I have not searched the web before beginning this module to make it more original, but once published I will be open to suggestions.
Re:mod_stream module + admin component coming soon
11 November 2006 05:11
Anonymous I can't wait to give that a few tests!
Re:mod_stream module + admin component coming soon
01 February 2007 11:56
Anonymous Module ready and delivered since v0.2.10 wink