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Home page > Modules > Menu Module help Permanent link to this page
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Menu Module help
05 February 2007 12:02
Anonymous Hi All,

I've tried to modify the mbt_transmenu_v1.1 (old Limbo mod from Mambo) and the macro_flashmenu_V2 (mambo mod) so that I could have a menu system with drop down submenus but I have had no luck

Generally I get a "Incorrect Installer type" error message. I've changed all that I can see needed changing from the info on the Wiki page (based on template conversion) but I'm not a programmer so guess I'm missing something?

Zip file attached of macro_flashmenu_v2 file

Any help / ideas.

File Attachment:
File name: macro_flashmenu_V2_Drake.zip
File size:35515 bytes
Re:Menu Module help
06 February 2007 13:37
Anonymous I will give a look within a few days and possibly help you in the conversion.

Next time please submit the request HERE
Re:Menu Module help
09 February 2007 20:40
Anonymous I have reviewed your code and found that it is not GPL, it is commercial. I have attached here an edited version of such code with the proper modifications to allow it work under Drake CMS (however it cannot yet be installed), now it should run if you manually insert the module.

When the modules installation system will be working this module will probably work too.

Note: THE MODULE IS NOT CURRENTLY WORKING, download just to see how to convert a module
File Attachment:
File name: mod_flashmenu_V2.zip
File size:33796 bytes
Re:Menu Module help
10 February 2007 01:03
Anonymous Thanks heaps I'll have a look at the code. I thought it was linkware but may have been mixed up with the tras menu.
