Drake CMS Official Forums - read-only archive

You are reading the Drake CMS Official Forums archive, available for historical purposes only.

Drake CMS has been rebranded into Lanius CMS, visit the new Lanius CMS Official Forums if you need support about Lanius CMS or Drake CMS -> Lanius CMS migration.

Home page > Components > com_remository Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
08 June 2006 22:11
Anonymous For the last week, I have been building a Limbo template (collect/test/fix from Mambo and Joomla templates) and also Chinese (traditional) language support portal 'till I find this project site. In comparision, I like your project the most! In other word, if I change to use this CMS, my site title will also be changing to Drake ??? instead of Limbo ???.

I would like to make a request from you to send me the Remository component either by download link or email as I will start up immediately testing over everything of this CMS on a local server 'till I find a permanent web host.

16 June 2006 20:58
Anonymous File emailed and added to repository
04 November 2006 14:27
Anonymous Well andyk, if you can convert some templates for Drake CMS the community would be deeply grateful to you!