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Home page > Components > OS-Commerce Component Permanent link to this page
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OS-Commerce Component
31 December 2006 04:00
Anonymous I have come across an ecommerce / shop component for Mambo using M2,2 OS-Commerce. I have used OS-Commerce and it seems to be very widely used. With an active group the OS-Commerce package has a large selection of add ons.

It looks like the developers have some work to do. However I am interested in porting it across to Drake CMS.

I have some questions.

1. Is there a working ecommerce compontent working already?
2. Is there any interest to use OS-Commerce with Drake?
3. Whats people's experience of porting from Mambo / joomla to Drake?
4. Are there any guidelines / format for Drake compontents?


Re:OS-Commerce Component
21 January 2007 15:14
Anonymous peteranoble wrote:
I have come across an ecommerce / shop component for Mambo using M2,2 OS-Commerce. I have used OS-Commerce and it seems to be very widely used. With an active group the OS-Commerce package has a large selection of add ons.

It looks like the developers have some work to do. However I am interested in porting it across to Drake CMS.

Before all, please excuse me for the incredible delay in giving you this answer. Looks like your post was not email notified at all!

You are welcome and I will give you all the instructions and help you will need to accomplish the porting task.


I have some questions.

1. Is there a working ecommerce compontent working already?


2. Is there any interest to use OS-Commerce with Drake?

I am sure there will be. Even if Drake CMS is relatively young, current, future or also Mambo-family users will be glad to use Drake CMS (because of its advantages smile ) if the ecommerce component they need will be available

3. Whats people's experience of porting from Mambo / joomla to Drake?

Er...pretty little. The Drake Team members have ported most of the original Limbo components and I have written some documentation, but nothing more at the moment

4. Are there any guidelines / format for Drake components?

Yes, read Converting from Limbo

I am always willing to complete other wiki documentation pages to ease future conversion tasks.
If the informations are insufficient, feel free to contact me directly




Many thanks to you for your interest, and I hope it is not too late to catch you aboard!