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Home page > General questions > TextDB vs MySQL Permanent link to this page
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TextDB vs MySQL
21 December 2006 08:35
Anonymous I've never used TextDB and I'm not experienced enough to find out myself... blush

If I start a website built on TextDB is it much more difficult to upgrade the data than if I would use MySQL (or such).

Is it possible to switch between the db's in a easy way?
Re:TextDB vs MySQL
30 January 2007 13:47
Anonymous With Drake CMS you can switch between any database with a few clicks, the CMS will automatically export the data from your database (flatfile or whatever) and import it in the new one, so that migrations between different database systems are painless smile
Re:TextDB vs MySQL
30 January 2007 14:12
Anonymous Sounds really good!!
Re:TextDB vs MySQL
30 January 2007 15:00
Anonymous N!cklas wrote:
Sounds really good!!

Yep cool
The SQL backups can be imported into any dbms, if you experience any trouble at using them report the problem to us!