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Home page > General questions > Default Language Permanent link to this page
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Default Language
05 February 2007 18:47
Anonymous That I can select who language they will be default for entire the site,, from the admin panel? sad
Drake: 0.3.6 REV 1842
Greek Support For Drake CMS
Re:Default Language
05 February 2007 19:15
Anonymous Ahhh, if you are asking can you select what language is to be used by default for your site from the Admin backend, the answer is YES. At thgis time until translationas are done and available, English it is at this Beta stage.

aka trex1512
Re:Default Language
16 February 2007 15:19
Anonymous To be more correct, English is always the default language if no other language is available and this cannot currently be changed.

If you are still seeing the pages in English maybe your user language is still configured as English? You might want to check that.