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Home page > General questions > Back-end update problem Permanent link to this page
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Back-end update problem
05 March 2007 23:20
Anonymous Hi All,

I've been successfully updating my local testing copy of Drake via the back-end online updates system. Now I've uploaded to a live test server I tried to update from v0.3.4 to v0.3.5 only to have the following fatal error:

Warning: mkdir(/home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_n ew/classes/utf8): File exists in /home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_new/pri vate/
install_7c1a26dbf8dfd4f606188d7412544efe/latest.php on line 11

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fix_path() (previously declared in /home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_new/inc ludes/errtrace.php:13) in /home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_new/inc ludes/errtrace.php on line 13

Again my local copy updated perfectly - any ideas what went wrong?

I suspect it's a permission or file ownership issue (it seems that the Group and Owner of files I have uploaded via FTP are deferent to the Group and Owner of files generated by the server - for example the utf8 folder mention in the error above. If it's not this then maybe it's a hosting company restriction of some kind on my live webserver? Apart from this error everything is working perfectly with the site!

Ho to have just a little more knowledge wink

Thanks for your help....
Re:Back-end update problem
06 March 2007 06:48
Anonymous TheRenderMan wrote:
Hi All,

I've been successfully updating my local testing copy of Drake via the back-end online updates system. Now I've uploaded to a live test server I tried to update from v0.3.4 to v0.3.5 only to have the following fatal error:

Warning: mkdir(/home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_n ew/classes/utf8): File exists in /home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_new/pri vate/
install_7c1a26dbf8dfd4f606188d7412544efe/latest.php on line 11

The problem is: you have tried to update a previous partially updated Drake CMS, so there are folders that should not be there (already created by the v0.3.5 update process).

Delete the classes/utf8 folder and try again

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fix_path() (previously declared in /home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_new/inc ludes/errtrace.php:13) in /home/fhlinux176/p/poppysflowers.co.uk/user/htdocs/poppys_new/inc ludes/errtrace.php on line 13

This happened because you got an error-in-error (the error handler went nuts), if you are able to reproduce it I would be very curious to know how it happened! blink


Again my local copy updated perfectly - any ideas what went wrong?

I suspect it's a permission or file ownership issue (it seems that the Group and Owner of files I have uploaded via FTP are deferent to the Group and Owner of files generated by the server - for example the utf8 folder mention in the error above. If it's not this then maybe it's a hosting company restriction of some kind on my live webserver? Apart from this error everything is working perfectly with the site!

Ho to have just a little more knowledge wink

Thanks for your help....

Be sure that all remote folders are writable; the issue you just experienced was due to a partially updated Drake CMS, if the folders are writable you shouldn't experience more

P.S. If I remember correctly you had already opened a thread, next time continue there instead of opening a new one! wink