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Home page Documentation > Contribution to the documentation (MOVED) Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Contribution to the documentation (MOVED)
08 December 2007 17:06
Anonymous Hi,
Drake is really a nice project, but the documentation is horrible. Many important things are discussed in the forum but the interesting sections are sometimes hard to find. I think it's time to improve the documentation. Is there a way to contribute to it? E.g. something like a wiki?
Re: Contribution to the documentation
08 December 2007 19:24
Anonymous Quote by Roland:

Drake is really a nice project, but the documentation is horrible. Many important things are discussed in the forum but the interesting sections are sometimes hard to find. I think it's time to improve the documentation. Is there a way to contribute to it? E.g. something like a wiki?

That's why we are working on a new version of documentation! If you'd like to help, don't bother - everyone is invited! smileYou can start by visiting this page and if you'd like to participate in mentioned effort, please contact me via e-mail or via Documentation forum section.
