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Home page > From Turkey > Drake in Turkey Permanent link to this page
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Drake in Turkey
20 August 2007 16:01
Anonymous Hi,

I'm Dalım

Drake is the most flexible CMS that I ever seen... I heard from Evren(he is the translator of drake's turkish lang.) We try to make the tamplate for Drake... Our company's name ATG(Antalya Tasarım Grubu www.antalyatasarim.com )(:P)... Take Care...
Re: Drake in Turkey
21 August 2007 21:54
Anonymous You mean .www.antalyatasarim.com I think tongue

The letter "ı" is ours ok, but internet does not accept.
Anyway The Group of Antalya Tasarim become a draker up and now. They are a group in butic style web design and especially studying over search engine and page rank optimisations. And as a professional team in site design they did like Drake too much.

I was in hesitate to offer Drake to people in Turkey up to now. But now Drake is much more stable and I'm happy to share it.

A few Turkish Drakers is a strict need for better Turkish translation. As a single fighter I do not belive that I can handle it "perfectly" (ok good but). Cos I have only limited time. Thats why I'm translating regularly but I have no time to test it deeply and correct the words which missed or being misunderstood. I'm sure that I'll have too much help and suggestions from you about the translation.

So I belive that nice to have (you) people around for support the project. All welcome w00t

You were talking about creating a few templates for drake in my last visit. Hope you will have time to complete cos Drake (in fact me much more whistling ) needs some. All templates will help to drakers to create authentic sites.

Hope to create a wide Turkish community around Drake. You know our people is thrilled on CMS systems nowadays
Re: Drake in Turkey
24 August 2007 14:23
Anonymous I saw my mistake... Thanks for your advice... I hope we will make a lot of templates for Drake... But firstly we are making for own site... tongue