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Home page Drake CMS' Slideshow > from e107 to drake Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
from e107 to drake
17 August 2007 17:33
Anonymous I am back and have started using drake again with http://ordner.us

Feel free to stop by and take a look.

Re: from e107 to drake
18 August 2007 11:25
Anonymous smile cool
Re: from e107 to drake
18 August 2007 13:40
Anonymous Hi wowsher

Please edit your user details with an email that works, the one you used here is not.

Re: from e107 to drake
18 August 2007 18:47
Anonymous Done -- sorry about that.

Re: from e107 to drake
19 August 2007 00:49
Anonymous Hi Again..

Thanks for that, it was just that the notification email of a posting bounced...all good now...

Your site is coming along nicely....

With what is comning you will be very happy indeed...

Keep on Keeping On...

Re: from e107 to drake
28 November 2007 02:13
Anonymous It looks like that site is still e107. Did you forget to change the "powered by" or did you bounce back?
Re: from e107 to drake
30 November 2007 19:21
Anonymous Yes I did bounce back I had a friend of mine move overseas (Scotland) to work for Real Time Worlds and wanted to have him blog on my site and share pictures etc... So I moved the site back to e107... Of course he has since proven / decided that it was just too much work to blog etc... So now I am waiting for 4.9 to stabilize and may play with it a bit as it sits now and see if I can replicate some of the html code portions (seti stats in particular) so I can still display those. I really love how small and quick drake is compared with others I have played with... however there are some growing pains as things change and evolve. With the large snowstorm predicted for this weekend in my area (Minnesota) I may get the time to transfer back to drake again. So in closing I apologize for the dancing cms game....

thanks for asking
wowsher aka tony
Re: from e107 to drake
01 December 2007 05:23
Anonymous Hi Tony...

Completely Off topic...

Have just been watching live stats of the Uni of Minnesotas Womens basketball team (The Gophers) play Virginia Tech...We know a player in the VT team, she did not play due to an injury..

Also follow Arizona State Sun Devils as we have an interest in one of the players there..

As I said completely Off Topic..:-)

Re: from e107 to drake
07 December 2007 02:19
Anonymous Ok I have a bit of it up at this address

http:\\www.ordner.us\drake it is a work in progress but you can now access it again. I will need to update it to 0.4.9 at some point. My primary is still e107 until I get a chance to play with 0.4.9 and see what is working and not etc.

tony aka wowsher