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Home page Drake CMS' Slideshow > My site - thanks DRAKE CMS! Permanent link to this page
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My site - thanks DRAKE CMS!
23 July 2007 12:38
Anonymous Hello,

I also want to share with you with my site:

There is nothing spectacular about the site, but I really want it to make this web site 'live'.

I'm doing consultancy work for hospitals, municipalities and companies (feasibility studies, EU funds etc.). Also some work as equipment agent.

In Drake CMS I have found everything needed for my purposes. I'm updating site everyday (maybe not all changes are visible).

I'm no computer geek nor php skilled. I know only how to use firefox, email soft and how to find nude Britney's *.jpg on the net winkThats why I love Drake - it's the easiest CMS I've found on the web and I'm really proud that my site is actually working smile
I would like to thanks Drake team for support. For me it is crucial to have backup from you while working on the site. No post or bug report had been left without answer/suggestion/fix. I'll try to be active on forums and report to bug tracker if needed to make Drake CMS even better!


Re: My site - thanks DRAKE CMS!
23 July 2007 22:15
Anonymous Hi Cejrowski,

thank you very much for your feedback!

It is thanks to users like you that Drake CMS is growing and becoming more stable and usable; please keep helping the project! cheerful
Re: My site - thanks DRAKE CMS!
25 July 2007 02:21
Anonymous Hi

Nice work DC...this is just the tip...theres a whole lot more to come in the future...thanks for your patience..
