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Home page Drake CMS' Slideshow > My Drake looks like this Permanent link to this page
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My Drake looks like this
10 October 2007 19:56
Anonymous I test localy Drake CMS, but just for showing to my friends different template styles I've made, i give them this link: http://dumnezeu.iad.ro/ . What do you think?
Re: My Drake looks like this
10 October 2007 22:30
Anonymous It looks nice, but I'd change green text (in header) and green dots (in menu) to other color, preferably blue.
Re: My Drake looks like this
11 October 2007 02:47
Anonymous Interesting..

I agree with stigi, the green in the header text needs a darker shade or differenrt colour...I don't mind the dots..

The Top menu disappears a little in the header colouring..apart from that not to bad at all...

I do like the overall colour scheme...I look forward to your contribs to the template library once up and running...

Re: My Drake looks like this
11 October 2007 13:43
Anonymous Quote:

The Top menu disappears a little in the header colouring..apart from that not to bad at all...

I will not use that menu, i left it there, but i must work a little in the template.PHP tio reposition that user field... which I intend to use for language switching, an animated/icon menu... and above to have space for baner