Drake CMS Official Forums - read-only archive

You are reading the Drake CMS Official Forums archive, available for historical purposes only.

Drake CMS has been rebranded into Lanius CMS, visit the new Lanius CMS Official Forums if you need support about Lanius CMS or Drake CMS -> Lanius CMS migration.

Author Message:
Drake site
13 January 2008 16:08
Anonymous Here is my work in progress on the template and translation to Nederlands.
Artesin dot Oldambtmeer dot NET and Pure Basic at FreeWeb7 (Changed to a site for webradio now, but still same address and CMS grin)

Started some templating from scratch specially aimed towards Drake CMS.
Re: Drake site
18 January 2008 15:53
Anonymous Excellent work Jonno, I like very much your converted template! cheerful
Re: Drake site
18 January 2008 18:56
Anonymous I agree. Very nice, a very simple-elegant template... minor changes and is should look better. It is shure a something else... not just a standard looking one. Keep it real! tongue