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Home page Drake CMS' Slideshow > Adrake 8 (Alfa) - DIV, Colourfull, DrakeCMS (MOVED) Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Adrake 8 (Alfa) - DIV, Colourfull, DrakeCMS (MOVED)
12 December 2007 21:31
Anonymous It is Alfa.
What do you think at this stage about it?
It is based on divs like Drake Div.
Re: Adrake 8 (Alfa) - DIV, Colourfull, DrakeCMS
13 December 2007 01:22
Anonymous Hi

Certainly colourful :-), you wouldn't miss it in a dark room...:-)

I like your work though, one of a few that is making the effort to add to the pool..

Keep it up...
