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Home page > Installation > non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnection Permanent link to this page
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non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnection
15 February 2007 15:22
Anonymous Hi,

have a problem installing drake_0.3.3_beta_rev1387 and prevoius versions:


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnection in /homepages/1/d29590120/htdocs/datinf/dt/02/cms2/classes/adodb_lit e/adodb.inc.php on line 83

Asserting existance of folder for database drake Successfull
Testing write permissions Successfull

My system
Apache, PHP 4.4.4

Any ideas?
Re:non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnection
16 February 2007 08:14
Anonymous utan wrote:
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnection in /homepages/1/d29590120/htdocs/datinf/dt/02/cms2/classes/adodb_lit e/adodb.inc.php on line 83

Hi...and welcome...

No real clue just yet but just to clear up what the error message is again please..

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnection

Can you confirm the word shown in italics please....
and are you installing using the Veloce script or uploading the dirs individually?


aka trex1512
Re:non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnectio
16 February 2007 12:12
Anonymous Hi...and thanks for the welcome...


No real clue just yet but just to clear up what the error message is again please..

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnection

Can you confirm the word shown in italics please....

I use copy & paste for cryptic stuff.


and are you installing using the Veloce script or uploading the dirs individually?

The error occuered after uploading the dirs individually. When I use the the Veloce script, I have to create a public directory manually. After that, everything works fine.
Re:non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnectio
16 February 2007 14:10
Anonymous A case for getting legolas558 to have a look at it...I am up for simple install solving this is delving deeper than I can go...I have tried to reproduce the error without any success so time for legolas558 to step in...if I had to I would geuss a file or dir permission thing, maybe even a file corruption..then again I could be completely and totally wrong...

Give legolas558 a poke to have a look here...

aka trex1512
Re:non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnectio
16 February 2007 14:27
Anonymous Dear utan,

can you please check if the Gladius DB adoDB driver was uploaded too?
Its path is (relative to Drake CMS root):

and it should contain three files of the total size of about 18 KB.

Please check them. Maybe your upload process broke and some files are 0 bytes sized.
Or maybe you are using an older version of the adoDB lite drivers, but I don't think this is your case because the old drivers have been discontinued ages ago.

If you are missing some files you probably need to re-upload all files using the resume feature, or else use the veloce.php script.

A note for veloce.php users: the next releases will not be affected by the missing public folder bug (which is a PclTar library bug, by the way) because a public.txt empty file has been added to that folder. Plus, I have verified that veloce.php is reliable as far as you don't break the extraction process. In that case you can just re-run it and all files will be correctly created (if it says 100% complete).

Utan, please tell us if you solve this problem.

Re:non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnectio
17 February 2007 01:15
Anonymous Dear legolas558,

My ftp client was set to convert all filenames to lower case letters. When I switch off the conversion, everything works fine.

Thank you for the help, you are doing e great job!

Re:non-existent class: gladius_driver_adoconnectio
17 February 2007 06:18
Anonymous smile I'm glad you solved the problem.

I have changed that folder's name to lowercase and I will add this issue to the FAQs

Thank you