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Home page > Installation > Installation Error Permanent link to this page
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Installation Error
20 February 2007 11:20
Anonymous Can you please help me in solving this problem? When I try to install, it says:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $end in e:/web/public_html/rspn/cms/admin/includes/admin_functions.php on line 81

I cannot go from the step 1 itself. Please help me.

Re:Installation Error
20 February 2007 21:21
Anonymous Hi

What release and revision number are you attempting the instal with?.

aka trex1512
Re:Installation Error
21 February 2007 02:21
Anonymous Hello P. Engee.

I have downloaded the recent beta version availabe on the Drke website; theversion is:

Please advise me which version I must use to have no problems in the installations.

Thanks for your support.

Re:Installation Error
21 February 2007 08:01
Anonymous Did you use the Veloce install script version or unpack and manually upload the dirs and files?

Sorry for all the questions but ever bit of info helps...like what system are you installing on...what ver of php etc...

aka trex1512
Re:Installation Error
21 February 2007 09:28
Anonymous Thnaks P.Engee for your info.

It works on my local webserver (my PC which has got Apache server0

But hwn i upload it to my host server (LFCHOSTING.COM), I am not able to install. I do not know what is the problem.It usually says...unexpected $end, unexpected T_var, at line 47, 81..and so on.

I have reloaded the 2.4a_rev996 version which gives me the same error.

Re:Installation Error
21 February 2007 09:46
Anonymous Do you know what version of PHP is on the web server. Drake needs at least PHP 4.3.0
Re:Installation Error
21 February 2007 10:01
Anonymous Aha....

I would recommend that you do a normal install to your host using the 0.3.3 Veloce script Beta. I will bet a 100/1 that your problem is associated with dir/file permissions probs and/or file corruption issues...Read the How to in the "drake_0.3.3_beta_rev1387-veloce_sfx.zip" archive.

I have installed that Rev locally and also to a live site using the Veloce script with 100% success. The only issue is to create a public dir in your Drake folder before running the install, the script does not do that during its execution.

The veloce script takes lot of the work out of it.

Good Luck

aka trex1512
Re:Installation Error
21 February 2007 10:26
Anonymous Some similareties to this post:
Read Here

aka trex1512
Re:Installation Error
21 February 2007 17:12
Anonymous Most probably the FTP upload process broke before the admin_functions.php file was fully transmitted, try to re-upload all files using a "resume" option or use the veloce_sfx package (if you have write permissions on the remote host) that will rewrite everything.