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Home page > Installation > Inst. problem, unable to connect to database Permanent link to this page
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Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
29 January 2007 12:49
Anonymous Hi,

I've just discovered Drake CMS (because it was mentioned as recent update at Sourceforge)
Tried to install it (drake_0.2.8_alpha_rev1148), locally and on my webserver (*NIX) with Gladius Database.

PHP checks OK (with Safe Mode on(!))
In the Administration Setup in the list of database types, Gladius is Gray(!)
Do I need to install something additional? Is support for Gladius a system requirement?
In the last screen it looks like it is unable to connect to the Gladius database.

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,

Arno Rog
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
30 January 2007 08:21
Anonymous After further investigation:

Installed on another server, same problem. And yes I've checked the rights, even when I change the permissions for all directories (and files) to 777 the problem persists. sad sad
Is there some installation log I can consult?

I sure hope someone can help!

Arno Rog
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
30 January 2007 08:55
Anonymous hmmm two servers doing the same thing - that's not helpful when you are trying a new system. I don't know a great deal about the coding of Drake but can only suggest what the install recommends by installing the adoDB lite drivers. See the downlaod section under Add Ons.

Maybe this is what is missing on the servers.

All the best
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
30 January 2007 10:41
Anonymous Thanks for your reply.

My webservers are externally managed, so no chance of changing the configuration sad
My guess is that, since Gladius a a flat-file database, it should work on any up-to-date PHP-enabled webserver, I hope.

The add-on 'odb-drivers-v0.1' contains drivers for other databases (MySQL, Postres, etc.) No classes for Gladius. The classes for Gladius are already in the core download.

Anyone else with a solution?

Arno Rog
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
30 January 2007 13:37
Anonymous wassat Very strange problems, indeed.

I am going to offer you all the support to get rid of these problems so that other users will not experience your installation problems.

To answer some of your questions: yes, Gladius DB is embedded and if it is shown gray then the /classes/adodb_lite/adodbSQL_drivers/gladius folder has not correctly been located by the install script (maybe some path-related problem).

About safe mode: it's trivial to have safe mode on or off because Drake almost does not use features which need safe mode off, that warning is being kept because we have not yet fully investigated about features that still need Safe Mode off (but I am 99% sure there aren't, by the way).

Thank you
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
31 January 2007 10:56
Anonymous Thanks for your help!

I've uploaded the files again, making sure everything is in place.
The gladius directory is now 'under' the adodbSQL_drivers directory, the choice for the Gladius database appears in green now!

On the last page of the installation script the following is displayed:

Database folder
Creates a folder with the proper database name
Creating folder for database drake Successfull
Database folder permissions
You are using a flatfile database, its folder /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/free-sheetmusic.org/httpdocs/drake/pri vate/drake needs write permissions
Testing write permissions Successfull
Database connection
Connecting to database...

The directory drake/private/drake and all subdirs has the default permissions: 755

I'm trying to install drake here, so the Website URL (including the root path) reads: http://www.free-sheetmusic.org/drake/

Hope to hear from you,

Arno Rog
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
31 January 2007 11:05
Anonymous There must still be some error, please test with the latest SVN revision, it will at least show some more talkative error message, I am sure we will solve it.

I have attached the SVN trunk snapshot here.

EDIT: I could not attach the file for forums upload file size limits, please send me an email at my email address and I will send you back the package, or better get it through SVN
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
31 January 2007 11:12
Anonymous lictnet wrote:
...but can only suggest what the install recommends by installing the adoDB lite drivers. See the downlaod section under Add Ons.

Maybe this is what is missing on the servers.

The additional adoDB lite drivers are needed if you need one of the other database system which is not distributed in the standard release of Drake CMS. All the other database system drivers are not in the default distribution for file size constaints: since a few users use them, we have not included them in the release; however they are always available for download both from Drake CMS or ADOdb lite (because ADOdb lite is inside Drake CMS).
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
31 January 2007 11:30
Anonymous Thanks legolas558, good to know. Also be great to have your help on my post before this on if you can advise smile

Arno: maybe you could try changing the /private/drake folder to 777 manually and then try the install. While I read in the forums that the install script should change the folder permission maybe you could try and do this.

Just a thought
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
31 January 2007 11:33
Anonymous lictnet wrote:
Thanks legolas558, good to know. Also be great to have your help on my post before this on if you can advise smile

blush sorry, I didn't want to be hard with your post...however I totally missed out this thread while browsing the forums up to yesterday w00t

Arno: maybe you could try changing the /private/drake folder to 777 manually and then try the install. While I read in the forums that the install script should change the folder permission maybe you could try and do this.

Yes, it may help (if the installer failed to do it itself sad ).
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
31 January 2007 14:32
Anonymous With the help of Arno that kindly allowed me to test with that server I could figure out where the problem is: they have an outdated PHP installation!

See these PHP bugs which affect is_readable and is_writable:

Gladius DB was failing just because PHP told it that the files were not readable! angry

Now Gladius DB and Drake CMS will not rely on is_readable or is_writable, however server should always update their PHP installations, mostly for security reasons!

Mission accomplished cheerful
Re:Inst. problem, unable to connect to database
01 February 2007 07:50
Anonymous A job well done!! Compliments for your support!

Arno Rog