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Ok so Drake 0.3.7 is now installed but when I restore database
backup from a 0.3.6 I get the following on the last two lines:
SQL syntax error in command INSERT at offset 104
/,,'','',''/ SQL syntax error in command INSERT at offset
104 /,,'','',''/
After this all the admin menu icons
are invisible except for the logout. I'm aware of the syntax
error compatability issues but how can one get around this
I have database backed up from 0.2 versions
but client has made changes since these were done.
Re:Database restore syntax error
29 March 2007 13:09
All is good - as previously suggested in
error thread >did a fresh 0.3.6 (local) install and >restored 0.2 database then >did the patch update
to 0.3.7. >backed up the local 0.3.7 database >restored database on remote server
Now have a
restored database under Drake 0.3.7
For those
interested the local install was done under an old version of
"Limbo Server" from Mambo Solutions. Has Apache, PHP under
Re:Database restore syntax error
29 March 2007 14:54
Very well, great to see something working sometimes
You will have less troubles at restoring older databases with
versions 0.3.7 and 0.3.8 because some dangerous bugs in the
restore code has been fixed
Re:Database restore syntax error
30 March 2007 09:28
That's great news.
Had the client just tell me that
they had made some changes in admin to weblinks and all of a
sudden the admin menu wasn't visable except for the logout icon.
I uploaded a backup copy of the weblinks database files but that
didn't resolve the missing admin menu.
Any ideas?
Thanks heaps
Re:Database restore syntax error
30 March 2007 09:36
Please restore the latest working SQL backup file you have and
try to isolate this problem; I can't understand if it's due to
some bug in SQL or in Drake CMS or both.
Re:Database restore syntax error
30 March 2007 11:46
Thanks for the quick response. The sql backup will be one before
the client did any alterations etc to the site. I asked them what
they did before the menu disappeared and the replied:
I was in components
and then items and changed the names of the weblink categories and then deleted the spare drake one and the next
thing I know was it was all gone!
weblinks catagories and that all the menu icons were gone.
Hope this helps. Will update any progress after the
weekend (it's Friday night in Australia)
Weblinks delete item bug
30 March 2007 18:28
I hope you are not really using Drake CMS in a production website
- it may be painful! However, I have just fixed some bugs related
to the weblinks categories modification; I could not reproduce
the destroyer bug but I think it has now been fixed (so you will
get the improvement with the next v0.3.8)
Please keep
us updated about the troubles you have, we would like to fix them