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Home page Website > problem with RSS / Atom Feed Permanent link to this page
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problem with RSS / Atom Feed
10 September 2007 17:22
Anonymous Hi,

I have got troubles with the RSS/Atom Feed of this page.

I wanted to bookmark them in my browser, but in Firefox U get the following error description:
XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: XML-Deklaration nicht am Beginn von externer Entität
Adresse: http://drakecms.sourceforge.net/index2.php?option=syndicate&n o_html=1&feed_type=atom_1_0&Itemid=58
Zeile Nr. 3, Spalte 1:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I tested all 3 feeds, the error is the same..
And in AvantBrowser it doesn't work, too...

So, it would be nice, if you fixed it.

Regards from Germany
Re: problem with RSS / Atom Feed
10 September 2007 19:37
Anonymous This should be fixed with the next site update; thanks for reporting!