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Home page Website > User login: "Remember me" not working? Permanent link to this page
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User login: "Remember me" not working?
23 May 2007 22:43
Anonymous The option "Remember me" at user login seems to be non-functional.
After closing the browser, reopening and navigating to DrakeCMS official website, I have to login again.

With other websites (non-Drake) this works, so I don't think that it is a bad browser setting (cookies,...).
Re : User login: "Remember me" not working?
24 May 2007 00:32
Anonymous Thanks for the interest in Drake CMS..

Unfortunately this issue is a by product of the site being hosted from the SF servers.

When using Drake CMS in a less restrictive environment this functionality operates as normal.

We hope you will continue to sample and test the beta releases and ultimately make use of Drake CMS when we make the first Official release..

Thanks again
Re : User login: "Remember me" not working?
24 May 2007 01:34
Anonymous I see. Then it's ok.
Keep up the good work!
Re : User login: "Remember me" not working?
26 May 2007 03:33
Anonymous Quote:

The option "Remember me" at user login seems to be non-functional.
After closing the browser, reopening and navigating to DrakeCMS official website, I have to login again.

With other websites (non-Drake) this works, so I don't think that it is a bad browser setting (cookies,...).

I will give a look to this issue; I am not sure that I can fix it (as trex1512 said, we have had some here on this hosting) but I am anyway curious to understand why.

Thanks for highlighting the problem!
Re : User login: "Remember me" not working?
27 May 2007 20:30
Anonymous This bug has been fixed in v0.4.3 SVN trunk. Due to the major changes involved, v0.4.2 cannot be hotfixed (not easily).

The bugfix will ship with the Drake CMS v0.4.3 release
Re : User login: "Remember me" not working?
28 May 2007 09:16
Anonymous Hi Helig

My apologies, I was certain this had been working in 0.4.0 on a test site of mine and was effected here by the SF servers.

It certainly works now using the latest SVN, so you can be assured that it has been rectified..

Stay with us, its all the current beta users/testers that are helping to make a rock solid First Official release.

Re : User login: "Remember me" not working?
31 May 2007 06:03
Anonymous I have the same in my host too.
You can test it there.
It's a test page so you can thread how ever you want smile
Click For My Test Page
Re : User login: "Remember me" not working?
31 May 2007 15:15
Anonymous Quote:

This bug has been fixed in v0.4.3 SVN trunk. Due to the major changes involved, v0.4.2 cannot be hotfixed (not easily).

The bugfix will ship with the Drake CMS v0.4.3 release