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Home page Website > Event calendar on this website - i18n problem? Permanent link to this page
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Event calendar on this website - i18n problem?
28 January 2008 08:15
Anonymous Hi,
I think that the event calendar of this website has a
problem with weekday-names shorter than 3 characters.

The german weekday abbreviations are 2 chars long and are
displayed on this website (with this special template?)
with some trailing special chars - maybe assuming to get
3 chars and reading over the array resp. string boundary.

This behaviour is only on this official website, on a freshly installed DrakeCMS the german 2 chars abbreviations are displayed correctly.
Re: Event calendar on this website - i18n problem?
28 January 2008 16:11
Anonymous The bug was happening with day names whose length < 4 and when using PHP4 (it was a PHP4 glitch, actually), it has been worked around.
