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Home page Website > Drake Wiki got spammed Permanent link to this page
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Drake Wiki got spammed
10 May 2007 14:12
Anonymous Somebody spammed the bajeesus out of the "component" page on the Drake wiki.
Re : Drake Wiki got spammed
10 May 2007 16:17
Anonymous Thanks for the heads up...

The wiki is in the process of being moved over to another process, spam etc has been a factor in the change..

DanieleC (legolas558) has prepared a new Tracker Item for those who want to help with the writing of documentation, indices etc are still being prepared..

You may have noticed that the menu item for the wiki has been removed from here

A news item will be published here shortly with further info.

I anyone is able to help in the preperation of the docs it would be very appreciated...

Re : Drake Wiki got spammed
11 May 2007 00:28
Anonymous Thank you hbryant for reporting that problem.

As trex1512 explained, we are in the process of creating better documentation (and also integrated within Drake CMS!) and I have already imported all the wiki pages in it.

All wiki pages have been deleted, I will eventually close down the wiki if more spam attacks will affect it.