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Home page Off-topic Dicussions > .wma to .mp3 converter? Permanent link to this page
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.wma to .mp3 converter?
18 November 2007 12:45
Anonymous Hi,

I'm searching for an free/open source .wma to .mp3 converter.
The wmas are to big, so I want to have them in mp3s.

Do you know about a good free/open source converter?

Re: .wma to .mp3 converter?
18 November 2007 20:14
Anonymous Quote by Siedlerchr:


I'm searching for an free/open source .wma to .mp3 converter.
The wmas are to big, so I want to have them in mp3s.

Do you know about a good free/open source converter?


it is not like that. at the same bit rate , mp3 is bigger than wma. But if you want an open source/free format, try ogg vorbis (OGG).
Re: .wma to .mp3 converter?
19 November 2007 17:29
Anonymous The bitrate of the wmas is about 100Kbits, ogg ist not an alternative, because my mp3 player doesn't support oggs.

So, some of the wmas are about 20Megabytes.

A bitrate of 192Kbits would be enough, so do you know about a good converter?

Re: .wma to .mp3 converter?
19 November 2007 19:02
Anonymous Use VLC, it should save streams into any format