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Home page Off-topic Dicussions > Introduce yourself :) Permanent link to this page
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Introduce yourself :)
24 October 2007 20:22
Anonymous Hello people,

In this topic you can write anything you want about yourself.

I'll begin.. I'm 25 years old, trying almost everything in my life wink, currently living in Tilburg (Netherlands). In my leisure time (unfortunately quite limited) I'm working on several projects, including Drake CMS of course smile
Tot ziens!
Re: Introduce yourself :)
25 October 2007 00:28
Anonymous Hi

Me, old, 53, retired after almost 30yrs of military service in the Australian Army. Automotive background, got into these infernal machines in days long ago via the old Tandy (Radio Shack) TRS 80. Yes that long ago...LOL..

Dabble in writing database apps, websites, and all things admin to do with junior sporting clubs, unpaid of course.

Also help anyone who wants it in setting up an online presence, free or for a small fee. Hence my interest in CMS's...

Do not have the background knowledge to code but have the time to test etc...

In my mind Drake CMS is already a significant player in the field, nothing is as small or featured as its is, the old Limbo was close albeit insecure and contained propriety code.

Drake CMS is the future, we just have to get the rest of the world to join us..
Re: Introduce yourself :)
26 October 2007 22:18
Anonymous Hi

I come from Germany, I live in North Rhine Westphalia and I'm a pupil on a commercial high school where I will receive my Abitur ( diploma from German secondary school qualifying for university admission or matriculation [from http://dict.leo.org])

I'm almost 18 years old , 25 November is my birthday.

My story of finding drake:
One day I decided to use a CMS System instead of pure HTML pages for my qip Skinpage, because it took so much expense.

I googeld around and tested different CMS like joomla etc..
The main aspect was to find a CMS with no mysql DB, so I looked onto sf.net and found drake, I tested it and was 100% convinced!!

I don't like joomla or Typo3 because they are so big and complex, but Drake CMS is just the best light CMS I ever tested.

Why is everybody using Typo3, I don't understand?!

I have been using drake since version v.0.3...i think ( it is such a long time wink)

Drake CMS is the future, we just have to get the rest of the world to join us

Drake CMS will be the world's best CMS ever....
Re: Introduce yourself :)
27 October 2007 17:21
Anonymous Quote:

I'm almost 18 years old , 25 November is my birthday.

Are you cute? devil
Re: Introduce yourself :)
27 October 2007 17:37
Anonymous 26 y.o., technology editor for the gadget magazine suplement of the most important business newspaper in Romania. 3 years ago i moved to Bucharest from a beautifull city called Baia Mare (NW part), surrounded by mountains; both modern and old style architecture area looking as a little german town (i think tongue). I`m also an radio-amateur, until moving to Bucharest i talked by radio whith people all over the world.