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Home page Off-topic Dicussions > FTP proble with a folder Permanent link to this page
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FTP proble with a folder
31 May 2007 23:47
Anonymous Hi,

i hope you know a slution to my problem:
My old drake/lang folder has now only this rights:
004 (public read accces). I want to delete the folder but it didn't work, I use FileZilla as FTP client.

Do you know a solution how I can deletet the folder?

Re : FTP proble with a folder
01 June 2007 04:51
Anonymous This is a problem of your misconfigured FTP server, you should tell them ermm
Now you might try via PHP, but I think you have 20% of chances to get it done.

Make a script called "fixer.php" for example in your root Drake CMS folder (same folder of "core.php", "version.php etc.) and put in it this content:



$folder = 'lang/de/';

define('_VALID_ADMIN', 1);

require 'core.php';

require $d_root.'includes/header.php';

include $d_root.'admin/classes/fs.php';

$fs = new FS(false);

if ($fs->chmod($d_root.$folder, 0777))
echo "Permissions of folder $folder were changed successfully";


Then go to www.example.com/fixer.php where your file is published and see the result. If it works, there will be no error.

NOTE: be sure to be logged in and to set your language to English before executing fixer.php, otherwise it will fail if the lang/de/language.xml file still exists.
Re : FTP proble with a folder
01 June 2007 08:19
Anonymous I had the same problem with a lots of different folders. (on HostGator) I also had to terminate 2 domains to clean these folders and files but didnt understand why.

Now I'll test this script butI want to ask a thing. I got 4 crashes with drake and the last was on a whole clean, default, newly installed one.

Can it be also related with this cos this problem seems causes problem about ACCESS or WRITE of files. And all my failures was about database problem (gladio)

So can it be?
Re : FTP proble with a folder
01 June 2007 09:20
Anonymous I have had success using this little utility when issues have arisen with folder and file deletions due to owner issues..


and yes dir and file permissions make a up a large area in relation to install issues.
Re : FTP proble with a folder
01 June 2007 14:20
Anonymous Quote:

I had the same problem with a lots of different folders. (on HostGator) I also had to terminate 2 domains to clean these folders and files but didnt understand why.

Now I'll test this script butI want to ask a thing. I got 4 crashes with drake and the last was on a whole clean, default, newly installed one.

Can it be also related with this cos this problem seems causes problem about ACCESS or WRITE of files. And all my failures was about database problem (gladio)

So can it be?

How went the install process? Did it complain about write permissions? If it did not (and looks like it did not), then they might be bugs related to Gladius DB only - not necessarily to file write permissions.

If you can test locally, say if the bugs also happen locally; I have also asked you to test with the latest SVN on the bug tracker items.

Re : FTP proble with a folder
02 June 2007 00:09
Anonymous @legolas558

Your script looks good, but I have only the lang /de folder there, the rest I deletet succesful.

Well and the root folder of lang/de (drake) has all permissions (777).

This Webamidn sript is best... but is there a way to protect it with a passowrd, because everyone whokinows about the script could delete my website...:woohoo:
And everyone could acces the server folders of my hoster... ( i looked around with the webadmin and saw this)

So, it would be nice to protect it with a password...
Re : FTP proble with a folder
02 June 2007 07:40
Anonymous No...I just upload it, use it then delete it as required...

Otherwise, rename and change permissions on the file when not in use...
Re : FTP proble with a folder
02 June 2007 16:51
Anonymous Quote:


$folder = 'lang/de/';

define('_VALID_ADMIN', 1);

require 'core.php';

require $d_root.'includes/header.php';

include $d_root.'admin/classes/fs.php';

$fs = new FS(false);

if ($fs->chmod($d_root.$folder, 0777))
echo "Permissions of folder $folder were changed successfully";


This script solved my problems. Didnt try the webadmin yet but I'll.
I also test the latest beta but the gladio database didnt activated (in red) during install and I quit.
Server is same that I use the version 0.4.2_rev3309 and install is run by veloce and manuel extract (2 try)

So lets turn back to current release.

I didnt get any errors during install but after install I saw that the permissions (so execute and write functions) go unstable. Making weird permissions that I didnt gave. I also cant delete or change CHMOD of these folders.

After your reply I tried the script above and saw it's working. Then I contact to hostgator for this issue and they told that they fixed. And they really do but I was bored to face several crashes thats why I move the drake and translating operations to localhost.

Now it seems fine. Didnt crashed. Keeps going. After translation completes I'll move it back to remote host again and test.

And a guess over my crashes. Can it be happened cos of write permissions to database? Cos when I try to install over (without deleting the old folder) it gives error of permissions when creating database.

So if it is (hope it is) why drake dosent give a warning that there is a problem of permissions istead of crashing. And is that possible stop operatins in case of unreachable database.

Shorlty I mean that drake crashes and dosent turns back even the permissions given again. So drake damages it's database by itself.

But it will be better to stop operations in case of permissions so people dont lost their sites. They'll just fix mods and keep going again.

Re : FTP proble with a folder
02 June 2007 17:14
Anonymous Thanks heaps for the webadmin link. Cleaned up some of the update install files that I couldn't remove via ftp
Re : FTP proble with a folder
02 June 2007 19:40
Anonymous The webadmin script solved my problem...
I succefully set the permissions to 777 and it worked...
I don't know why it didn't work via FTP...

Re : FTP proble with a folder
02 June 2007 22:03
Anonymous See my post how the host/server apache process takes ownership of the files....you are then blocked by the permissions from altering what the "owner" has set..

I am sure there are some linux/apache gurus here who can explain it far far better than I can...

Its why the scripts and webadmin.php work, they are server processes...like the original "owner" process
Re : FTP proble with a folder
02 June 2007 23:49
Anonymous Ah, I didn't know..

I deleted it and when I need it I will upload it.
Re : FTP proble with a folder
04 June 2007 00:32
Anonymous Quote:

The webadmin script solved my problem...
I succefully set the permissions to 777 and it worked...
I don't know why it didn't work via FTP...

It's a misconfigured FTP/PHP/Apache that they have, I think
Re : FTP proble with a folder
04 June 2007 00:43
Anonymous Quote:


This script solved my problems. Didnt try the webadmin yet but I'll.

Theorically, one could acceed the admin backend and use the file manager component to delete things that cannot be deleted by FTP


I also test the latest beta but the gladio database didnt activated (in red) during install and I quit.
Server is same that I use the version 0.4.2_rev3309 and install is run by veloce and manuel extract (2 try)

It is red when PHP is below v4.3.3 or when the folder is not writable; I think that the folder was not writable in this case.

Why did you have to run veloce twice?


So lets turn back to current release.

I didnt get any errors during install but after install I saw that the permissions (so execute and write functions) go unstable. Making weird permissions that I didnt gave. I also cant delete or change CHMOD of these folders.

Is it because of Veloce? The latest version (available here) should no more make troubles with misconfigured PHP installations.

Or is it a problem of Gladius DB files?


After your reply I tried the script above and saw it's working. Then I contact to hostgator for this issue and they told that they fixed. And they really do but I was bored to face several crashes thats why I move the drake and translating operations to localhost.

It's suggested to translate locally; however, if the problem was generated by Veloce, it is not a major issue and Gladius DB should work there too.


Now it seems fine. Didnt crashed. Keeps going. After translation completes I'll move it back to remote host again and test.

Ok, thank you very much.


And a guess over my crashes. Can it be happened cos of write permissions to database? Cos when I try to install over (without deleting the old folder) it gives error of permissions when creating database.

Quite possible. What does it say exactly?


So if it is (hope it is) why drake dosent give a warning that there is a problem of permissions istead of crashing. And is that possible stop operatins in case of unreachable database.

What does the crash show? Do you have an error dump?


Shorlty I mean that drake crashes and dosent turns back even the permissions given again. So drake damages it's database by itself.

But it will be better to stop operations in case of permissions so people dont lost their sites. They'll just fix mods and keep going again.


Please tell us how it crashed; Drake CMS does not damage its database, it (recursively) tries to set permissions to 0775 to all folders if they were not writable.
I don't know about alternative solutions...maybe we cannot use PHP's chmod because it is broken on some hosts?