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Home page Off-topic Dicussions > FTP: User/Group question Permanent link to this page
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FTP: User/Group question
09 November 2007 16:38
Anonymous Hi

I've got a question:

I installed drake via veloce.php , the extracted files belong to :
wwwrun(user) www(group)

When I upload files via FTP, then they belong to my group:
siedlerchr(user) psacln(group)

Why is there a difference and why can I not move a file which belongs to me to the drake folder (wwwrun / www) ?

My other problem is:
I cannot upload any kind of archive (tar.gz , .zip), I always get an error.

My hoster can do this, even if he logs in with my account!

So, I don't understand, why I couldn't do this!?

€dit:// Archives over 100Kilobytes do not work, under it works.

Hope you can help me!


Re: FTP: User/Group question
09 November 2007 19:41
Anonymous The user/group problem between PHP-created files and FTP-created files is well known; there are solutions, but not all hosts do offer them.

About the archive filesize constraint: you could split the archive into multiple volumes under 100k - or hack PHPTarBackup to do that for you
Re: FTP: User/Group question
09 November 2007 20:34
Anonymous Quote:

The user/group problem between PHP-created files and FTP-created files is well known; there are solutions, but not all hosts do offer them.

What could be a solution?
If it is easy to realize, I could ask my hoster...

The funny thing is that in my group (siedlerchr psalcn) I cannot do anything with the webadmin.php script, but If I change to the drake folder (php created, in [wwwrun www]) I can do anything (upload/delete/rename etc...).


About the archive filesize constraint: you could split the archive into multiple volumes under 100k - or hack PHPTarBackup to do that for you

It is only the problem when I upload files via FileZilla from my PC, there it is not working.

When I go http://netftp.de and login there with my ftp account, I can upload a big archive without problems.
So, I don't understand why it is not working with FileZilla (tested version 2.24 and 3.03)


Re: FTP: User/Group question
10 November 2007 09:31
Anonymous Quote:


The user/group problem between PHP-created files and FTP-created files is well known; there are solutions, but not all hosts do offer them.

What could be a solution?
If it is easy to realize, I could ask my hoster...

Unfortunately things are changing so fast that I no more have a snapshot of the hosts situation around during these days. You could read around the web about suexec hosts, I think those are the most consistent, secure and fully-featured


The funny thing is that in my group (siedlerchr psalcn) I cannot do anything with the webadmin.php script, but If I change to the drake folder (php created, in [wwwrun www]) I can do anything (upload/delete/rename etc...).

This is an issue that your host provider should fix



About the archive filesize constraint: you could split the archive into multiple volumes under 100k - or hack PHPTarBackup to do that for you

It is only the problem when I upload files via FileZilla from my PC, there it is not working.

When I go http://netftp.de and login there with my ftp account, I can upload a big archive without problems.
So, I don't understand why it is not working with FileZilla (tested version 2.24 and 3.03)

It's not FileZilla or any other FTP client. It's your host provider that setup that limit; ask them the reason.

Very strange... ermm

Edit: when it works, it works because you uploaded them through their web interface (HTTP not FTP!)
Re: FTP: User/Group question
10 November 2007 11:00
Anonymous Quote:
It's not FileZilla or any other FTP client. It's your host provider that setup that limit; ask them the reason.

Very strange... ermm

Edit: when it works, it works because you uploaded them through their web interface (HTTP not FTP!)

The upload limit in the FTP is set to 50MB, my hoster has checked this.
I've got only problems uploading archives, the FTP Server is the following one: ProFTPD 1.3.0 Server (ProFTPD)

Does anybody know if there is a option about the max filesize
of archives?

Re: FTP: User/Group question
10 November 2007 11:13
Anonymous No FTP client has such option as far as I know. There is no purpose at limiting the size of what you can upload from the client side.

The server might instead want to limit the size of your uploaded archives via FTP because they might fear that you offer direct links for mass download over the internet (think about piracy, for example).

Be sure to have read the TOS of your provider regarding this