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Home page Translations > Turkish Translation Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Turkish Translation
31 May 2007 06:30
Anonymous Want to start a Turkish translation but I have some conflicts about the process.

What should I do about the "Special Language Resources" part with instructions that I didn't understand about commons.php (I'm not a web coder)

And I thought all the translation files that I'll edit will be located under. "drakefolder/lang/tr/" .tr is for turkish.

Is there other files about the translation in anywhere else on host?

And if you want to check click for direct access lang files on my test host

I have no time to keep going over documentation after the translation but I think over to write a guide for web and local installation. And provide neccessary files packed (with turkish lang) together.

Cos installation of Drake is extremly easy and the installation guide wont take more than a page smile
Thanks for your interest in advance.
Re : Turkish Translation
31 May 2007 09:23
Anonymous Quote:

What should I do about the "Special Language Resources" part with instructions that I didn't understand about commons.php (I'm not a web coder)

You must manually edit the two language resources:
_LOCALE_OFFSET "simpley explained in the docs"
_LOCALE "if you don't understand this, then when you are ready ask here"


And I thought all the translation files that I'll edit will be located under. "drakefolder/lang/tr/" .tr is for turkish.

To be setup with abbr as per Country Codes Here


Is there other files about the translation in anywhere else on host?

All the necessary instructions are contained in the Translators Manual


I have no time to keep going over documentation after the translation but I think over to write a guide for web and local installation. And provide neccessary files packed (with turkish lang) together.

Your help is appreciated, it would be good if you were prepared to register on SF and take on the task of official translator for the Turkish language, if you are not able to allocate the time then it would be better to leave it to another.


Thanks for your interest in advance.

Thank you for your support of Drake CMS
Will be betteron remote host
01 June 2007 05:10
Anonymous I decided to move my tranlating (test) drake to remote host. I've checked the sourgeforge but there is too much of thing and I still got some confusions about the location of translated files (anywhere else but "drake folder/lang/tr" tr is for turkish.

Also in documentation just a few seperate files are spoken and seems all the documentation over sourgeforge and drake docs will take more time than translating smile
And also, sourgeforge site sucks cos of bloat scripts and working quite slow and gives periodic failures.

So, I found a better way to solve this. I'll move to remote host where drake folder will have full permissions. I preserve one of my idle domains to that.

I'll give the FTP pass to one of drake developer and let him to go and take files easy. Even it can be handled over a standart browser.
I'll inform about about every stage of translation via email or here like xyz.files completed, a.php and b.php completed etc.

So if its ok I'm waiting for a PM from legolas or any developer to give the address and parameters.

Re : Turkish Translation
03 June 2007 18:04
Anonymous Quote:

Want to start a Turkish translation but I have some conflicts about the process.

What should I do about the "Special Language Resources" part with instructions that I didn't understand about commons.php (I'm not a web coder)

I think that the documentation explains what to do with them; it's not a matter of web coding but of internationalization in general.


And I thought all the translation files that I'll edit will be located under. "drakefolder/lang/tr/" .tr is for turkish.

Is there other files about the translation in anywhere else on host?

No, they are all there, BUT you are not allowed to edit them manually.


And if you want to check click for direct access lang files on my test host

I have no time to keep going over documentation after the translation but I think over to write a guide for web and local installation. And provide neccessary files packed (with turkish lang) together.

Internationalization of documentation has not yet started.


Cos installation of Drake is extremly easy and the installation guide wont take more than a page smile
Thanks for your interest in advance.

Ok...but that could not be official for now.

Thanks for your help; as Terry stated, you should register at SourceForge.net and apply as an official translator as reported in the Translators manual, otherwise we cannot release your files as official Drake CMS language packages.
Re : Will be betteron remote host
03 June 2007 18:20
Anonymous Quote:

I decided to move my tranlating (test) drake to remote host. I've checked the sourgeforge but there is too much of thing and I still got some confusions about the location of translated files (anywhere else but "drake folder/lang/tr" tr is for turkish.

You just have to register and provide us a SF.net nickname; that's needed because of project management so that we can assign you the translation task. We are sorry but it's one of the terms needed to become an official translator, we work with some tools and need other people to work with the same tools.


Also in documentation just a few seperate files are spoken and seems all the documentation over sourgeforge and drake docs will take more time than translating smile

Well...you don't have yet to start that! The English documentation is unfinished and will be rewritten in part, so it's better not to translate anything for now.


And also, sourgeforge site sucks cos of bloat scripts and working quite slow and gives periodic failures.

I don't know about "bloat scripts"...by the way, are you talking about the online documentation? That's plain HTML, I think that the SF.net webservers are ok.


So, I found a better way to solve this. I'll move to remote host where drake folder will have full permissions. I preserve one of my idle domains to that.

The documentation suggests to translate locally, if possible.


I'll give the FTP pass to one of drake developer and let him to go and take files easy. Even it can be handled over a standart browser.
I'll inform about about every stage of translation via email or here like xyz.files completed, a.php and b.php completed etc.

So if its ok I'm waiting for a PM from legolas or any developer to give the address and parameters.


That's not how it works; there are already rules, we cannot make exceptions, otherwise anybody new in the project could introduce its own new rules...

I will explain how it works:
  1. you read the official documentation's Translators manual

  2. you subscribe to the drakecms-translators mailing list

  3. you read the most important archived messages on the drakecms-translators mailing

  4. you register at SourceForge.net

  5. you get assigned the translation task by a project administrator (after having asked for it)

  6. you either use SVN to commit the language files to the online repository or use the latest released version and post the full translation (as attachments) to your translation task tracker

It is required to update the translation some days before (at your option, and if you have SVN obviously) or after the official release to keep the official translator role.

If you have ideas or any other question after having read the documentation, ask us.
Re : Will be betteron remote host
04 June 2007 22:04
Anonymous ***The SVN thing***


That's not how it works; there are already rules, we cannot make exceptions, otherwise anybody new in the project could introduce its own new rules...

Sure. But I've translated more than 20 programs (even some in google) most of them was not open sourced and I did for a license (they were commercial) but even that none of them was dedends on indefined procedures. They usually just say, "take that xml, lr8, lang... etc file, convert it and send." And I do smile
After, in mailing list I receive a email that tells take new resource, we have updates. I take the resource, it is mostly turkish but the new strings about new functions. I translate the left and send back.

Please consider this message as a report about the problems over translation system and guide.

I'm quite busy till 1 year and I'm doing these in very limited times. Translation runs fast cos I'm enough experienced on translating several programs and know how to handle without stucking on grammar ifrastructure between english and turkish and also translating clearly without creating words longer than the original string (causes translated string not to fit on originals place) so I'm fast to handle it in limited time but...

This is not the first sourceforge project but the first sourceforge project that needs a follow up over sourceforge's web site. Maybe this matters.
Now the thing that I want to explain is I'm near to the end of translate, and I promise to follow all new releases but want just a thing.

Translation worksfine on my host and computer. But I'm in trouble with sending it to you because "I want to support" Cos Drake worths support. And developers of this kind of soft also worths support. Drake's really nice and sure that it will shake te cms arena and I'll be glad to be a part of it (even for, just a translation)

But translation is not a full or a half time business. Some people can ofcourse, how nice to have too much of time but I think you must give a change to the people with limited time. So translation procedures must be easy. And easy means (depends on my experiences) a translation process mut be started in an hour after the decision is made.

So the procedure that I write about my translations before explains what is easy.
In fact the translation interface of Drake is much more better than most of the softwares that I translate. As usually had to use a file diff analyzer to find new strings on new releases lang resources.
But Drake tells me how many of/how many resources translated in a drop down list. Perfect.

So there is no problem about the translation. The matter is just
How to send?
How to receive the updated resources of new releases?

Hope clear.

Now the SVN thing

The svn thing handles that procedure, it's clear but what is svn? Think it's (Sub Version S.? something).
Did you noticed, I've scanned all the documentation about Drake translation nothing says that SVN is bla bla etc.

Documentation just says refer the SVN and links dosent work. Says upload with SVN but upload to where? There is no turkish folder in translations list.
Says turtoise SVN and that soft didnt like my win installer smileFunny. waiting in folder I'll download updated installer o check.
And, I've find the documentation in SF and takes too much of pages that takes more than translate smile(this matters of time)

I just need a doc tells SVN (the famous) is bla bla.
Download it, click X insert Y
Select Z and do R you're ready

Now ready to use it.
Or send the files to us. OK
And edit the changes in every new release and send us back again. Also OK

Now %70 percent of translate completed and I didnt be able to submit.

And still didnt understand how new strings work. I've found the english lang follow page and it was full of weird strings.
Which model does drake use? Just take the new lang files and edit the new strings.
Or find the strings from a huge list, and find it where are these located in (in files) edit it (20 times more difficult)

Hope that its clear. I dont have enough time for checking a huge list (hope not works like that) But translating over Drakes interface never matters. An update is matter of minutes


I will explain how it works:
  1. you read the official documentation's Translators manual

  2. * I've read al on Drakes documents but have no time for sourceforges guide like a book.

  3. you subscribe to the drakecms-translators mailing list

  4. * Hope its done?

  5. you read the most important archived messages on the drakecms-translators mailing

  6. * Where are they? Nothing in guide. If in forum its also ok.

  7. you register at SourceForge.net

  8. * I did

  9. you get assigned the translation task by a project administrator (after having asked for it)

  10. * You did smile[li]you either use SVN to commit the language files to the online repository or use the latest released version and post the full translation (as attachments) to your translation task tracker[/li]

  11. * What is SVN and where is tracker's folder and how to send. Sourceforge's interface is weird.

It is required to update the translation some days before (at your option, and if you have SVN obviously) or after the official release to keep the official translator role.

If you have ideas or any other question after having read the documentation, ask us.

Could I have change to follow and support?
Re : Will be betteron remote host
05 June 2007 00:03
Anonymous Quote:

***The SVN thing***


That's not how it works; there are already rules, we cannot make exceptions, otherwise anybody new in the project could introduce its own new rules...

Sure. But I've translated more than 20 programs (even some in google) most of them was not open sourced and I did for a license (they were commercial) but even that none of them was dedends on indefined procedures. They usually just say, "take that xml, lr8, lang... etc file, convert it and send." And I do smile

It's not that the procedures are "undefined" but that they are badly documented. sadWe have had many troubles with this project; our documentation for example was first on a wiki, then it has been converted to browsable XHTML versioned on Subversion (yes, SVN = Subversion) and now we are in the process of completing it. There is also a professional user manual being written that will be available (in its final and complete form) around October.
So I perfectly understand your troubles at understanding the process and I ask apologies if the documents are not sufficient; but I can't do everything and it is not a secret that we need help also on the documentation.

Specifically, I would like to update the Translators manual to reflect the latest changes now that you have reported its unclearness.


After, in mailing list I receive a email that tells take new resource, we have updates. I take the resource, it is mostly turkish but the new strings about new functions. I translate the left and send back.

There are two ways to translate for Drake CMS; you can either translate continuosly while the development goes on (this requires the usage of SVN but we do not encourage it as the second approach is be more efficient) or wait for an official release (which is promptly announced some days before on the drakecms-translators mailing list) and translate in the days before or soon after it. Basically we support only the translation relative to the latest Drake CMS release and hold the latest versions of them on our SVN repository side by side with Drake CMS itself.


Please consider this message as a report about the problems over translation system and guide.

I am greatly interested in improving the translation process for all translators! Your report is very precious to me and I will consider all your suggestions.


I'm quite busy till 1 year and I'm doing these in very limited times. Translation runs fast cos I'm enough experienced on translating several programs and know how to handle without stucking on grammar ifrastructure between english and turkish and also translating clearly without creating words longer than the original string (causes translated string not to fit on originals place) so I'm fast to handle it in limited time but...

I sort of realized that you were quite experienced in translations, I am glad of it. About "grammar infrastructure": as said before, if you can tell us what language resources might be parametrized (with the following or previous object/subject) we will modify them. For example: "Written by" + name might become "Written by %s" if you tell us.


This is not the first sourceforge project but the first sourceforge project that needs a follow up over sourceforge's web site. Maybe this matters.

I understand what you mean. You find uneasy the usage of SF.net trackers and don't know about SVN.


Now the thing that I want to explain is I'm near to the end of translate, and I promise to follow all new releases

Wow, thank you. It's great to have a professional Turkish translator that is willing to follow the development of Drake CMS, it will help in the growth of a Turkish Drake CMS users community.

... but want just a thing.

I also want many things from the project, but sometimes I simply can't get them because there is a sort of democracy here smileThe principle is: if it's an improvement and it does not go against the project philosophy (stated in the Roadmap), then we will want that thing too smile
Let's see what you want, I hope your request can be satisfied


Translation worksfine on my host and computer. But I'm in trouble with sending it to you because "I want to support" Cos Drake worths support. And developers of this kind of soft also worths support. Drake's really nice and sure that it will shake te cms arena and I'll be glad to be a part of it (even for, just a translation)

I have not understood about "Drake worths support" but I really hope that your predictions may become true smileThank you again for helping out this project with your time and your ideas!


But translation is not a full or a half time business. Some people can ofcourse, how nice to have too much of time but I think you must give a change to the people with limited time. So translation procedures must be easy. And easy means (depends on my experiences) a translation process mut be started in an hour after the decision is made.

I will tell you why there really are so many issues at translating Drake CMS: it is changing too much fast. So you can't really spend a reasonable amount of time to translate it meanwhile it gets developed.
To do what you mean, "a translation process mut be started in an hour after the decision is made.", you should wait for a message of the drakecms-translators mailing list saying "you can translate now (from SVN)" or wait for the proper release and then synchronize the language resources for that released version. The last message on the mailing list says that.


So the procedure that I write about my translations before explains what is easy.
In fact the translation interface of Drake is much more better than most of the softwares that I translate. As usually had to use a file diff analyzer to find new strings on new releases lang resources.
But Drake tells me how many of/how many resources translated in a drop down list. Perfect.

Had to spend some time to develop such system, but at least all the translators will waste less time now smile

So there is no problem about the translation. The matter is just
How to send?
How to receive the updated resources of new releases?

Hope clear.

Clear, indeed.

If not using SVN (and I already explained that using SVN to mantain the translation is not time-efficient for you translators, even if better for us developers), you have to get the latest release and move your tr folder to it. Then you click "Repair" and edit it in order to apply the needed changes. When finished, you open the Turkish translation task tracker item and post a comment saying "ready and verified for vx.x.x" with a zipped attachment of the tr folder. I would tell you: send it to me via email, but what happens if I am offline for a month? Nobody else has access to my mailbox...but another project administrator can instead take your attachment from the task item tracker and officially release it.

Please tell me if there is something more that I should explain or if you have improvement suggestions.


Now the SVN thing

Which is optional, I underline.


The svn thing handles that procedure, it's clear but what is svn? Think it's (Sub Version S.? something).
Did you noticed, I've scanned all the documentation about Drake translation nothing says that SVN is bla bla etc.

Looked here too? http://drakecms.sourceforge.net/lang/en/docs/developer/index.htm
The documentation contains also a developer manual, and since SVN is a developer topic it is there.


Documentation just says refer the SVN and links dosent work.

blinksorry for that...nobody else reported, I will fix the links. Anyway the pages are in the other manual.


Says upload with SVN but upload to where? There is no turkish folder in translations list.

That's because I had not created it when I had assigned the translation task to you. I would have created it earlier if you had specified that you were going to use SVN; anyway, now it is setup and empty.


Says turtoise SVN and that soft didnt like my win installer smileFunny. waiting in folder I'll download updated installer o check.

It's better to ignore SVN if you are not used to it; it might make you loose more time to learn it!


And, I've find the documentation in SF and takes too much of pages that takes more than translate smile(this matters of time)

What documentation are you talking about? Our Drake CMS official translation should not currently be translated because it will be changed a lot; theorically, you could translate it but it is pretty outdated that's why we do not encourage it.


I just need a doc tells SVN (the famous) is bla bla.

It was here

Download it, click X insert Y
Select Z and do R you're ready

Now ready to use it.

I wish it were that easy!
Anyway, give Subversion a try, if you can handle it, all to the good!


Or send the files to us. OK
And edit the changes in every new release and send us back again. Also OK

Please see if the post-zip-attachment-to-tracker approach is ok for you


Now %70 percent of translate completed and I didnt be able to submit.

You don't have to submit partial translations (unless you give up translating, and I hope you never will! smile) because they will not be released. If you are using SVN, you can of course commit them, but otherwise it's better to complete and verify a translation before posting it to the apposite task tracker.


And still didnt understand how new strings work. I've found the english lang follow page and it was full of weird strings.

I can't understand which was the "follow page" with weird strings...


Which model does drake use? Just take the new lang files and edit the new strings.
Or find the strings from a huge list, and find it where are these located in (in files) edit it (20 times more difficult)

The new or changed strings will be highlighted when editing the language (nn/total outdated language resources); new strings will be reported as "outdated"


Hope that its clear. I dont have enough time for checking a huge list (hope not works like that) But translating over Drakes interface never matters. An update is matter of minutes

You do not have to check huges lists, and you should always use the Drake CMS interface. Please tell us if there is something unclear in this.


you read the official documentation's Translators manual
I've read al on Drakes documents but have no time for sourceforges guide like a book.

??? Who said you should read SF.net documentation? You don't have to.


you read the most important archived messages on the drakecms-translators mailing
Where are they? Nothing in guide. If in forum its also ok

When you go at the SF.net project home page http://sourceforge.net/projects/drakecms you hover the mouse to "Mailing lists" and click drakecms-translators; the link was also on this documentation page, maybe you missed it.



you either use SVN to commit the language files to the online repository or use the latest released version and post the full translation (as attachments) to your translation task tracker

What is SVN and where is tracker's folder and how to send. Sourceforge's interface is weird.

Already explained previously.


Could I have change to follow and support?

Sure! Keep asking us if there is something more unclear.
Re : Will be betteron remote host
05 June 2007 00:11
Anonymous I've found the post archive of translators. Checked out and following there now I'm working over the GNU licence and flag (its easy) topics.

The turkish translation that linked on GNU offical site has been moved and I'm working on that. There are some translations in turkish and I think it needs an analyze to choose the most reasonable one. But most of documents tells that in a translation you need to give a link to the original GNU document and tell that translation is just let people to understand but the one you must consider legally is the orginal one (link comes here)

And take a fewresearch on internet about this tortiuse (or like that:)soft and seem do a lots of thing but it dosent work without integrating to file browser (but commandline) thats not good.

Anyway I tought that why drake dosent have a file submit module integrated?

My translations nearly complete. Inst that possible for me to click a button and drake will send my translations to related remote folder for public use. And also drake can import the new sources to translate.

That will be perfectly fast easy and easy to understand and a lots of people can start translation without looong loong discusses and lost time.

I think tis kind of thing (an instant translate kit inside) will make Drake the most language supported CMS ever.

Cos the translation menu is under hand in admin panel and I know a lots of people (who refers me in this kind of things) needs to translate his/her favorites but dont know how to do.

Not sure but the idea sounds easy for people wo has coded a cms like drake already.

An instant clik an begin type tranlation.
Re : Will be betteron remote host
05 June 2007 00:43
Anonymous Quote:

I've found the post archive of translators. Checked out and following there now I'm working over the GNU licence and flag (its easy) topics.

Ok, very good. Please not that almost all informations are also on the Translators manual, and using the Translators manual and the drakecms-translators mailing list you will not need any other source of information for translating.


The turkish translation that linked on GNU offical site has been moved and I'm working on that. There are some translations in turkish and I think it needs an analyze to choose the most reasonable one. But most of documents tells that in a translation you need to give a link to the original GNU document and tell that translation is just let people to understand but the one you must consider legally is the orginal one (link comes here)

Sure, that part (link to the original one) cannot be removed.


And take a fewresearch on internet about this tortiuse (or like that:)soft and seem do a lots of thing but it dosent work without integrating to file browser (but commandline) thats not good.

??? I have it integrated in the shell and works greatly...keep reading winkRead also the documentation page I gave above; there is a link to a great manual.


Anyway I tought that why drake dosent have a file submit module integrated?

Drake CMS has, this official website has not because we are managing a project with it, and it's by far more complex than managing a website... smileWe need to use the trackers for well-organization of the project.


My translations nearly complete. Inst that possible for me to click a button and drake will send my translations to related remote folder for public use. And also drake can import the new sources to translate.

That's exactly what SVN does for us smileboth at "sending" (= committing) and receiving (= updating)


That will be perfectly fast easy and easy to understand and a lots of people can start translation without looong loong discusses and lost time.

When we will have fixed the Translators manual, there will be few things to understand and do. We cannot simply allow anybody to send translations because that would mean 0 organization: imagine 100 people translating Turkish and nobody caring about updating it...total chaos. Having a single translation mantainer is much better.
The process does not look too much complex to me (have you read how to translate without SVN, explained in previous post?)


I think tis kind of thing (an instant translate kit inside) will make Drake the most language supported CMS ever.

smileI would be happy to improve the translation interfaces in a correct way.


Cos the translation menu is under hand in admin panel and I know a lots of people (who refers me in this kind of things) needs to translate his/her favorites but dont know how to do.

But there is a link to the documentation on the language manager page...if people is too much lazy to read the instructions we are not interested in their help - they will just make us loose time


Not sure but the idea sounds easy for people wo has coded a cms like drake already.

An instant clik an begin type tranlation.

It works already this way. But we cannot remove the "approval" step simply because we want to have a person which manages the translation; the translation is not a wiki smile
Thanks for your suggestions; I hope you will continue to give us your feedback so that we can improve Drake CMS!
Re : Will be betteron remote host
05 June 2007 03:01
Anonymous Quote:

When finished, you open the Turkish translation task tracker item and post a comment saying "ready and verified for vx.x.x" with a zipped attachment of the tr folder.

Ok that way is perfect for me at the moment. If Drake moves too much fast (hope will) and I start to have troubles with following up I'll try the SVN
But (sorry again, a question) I have a problem with that way also. I have tried to simulate send one but there is no option for attachment. I said maybe in the next screen but dosent an emty entry gone there (also dosent allow to delete sorry for trash smile
Just guide me to how to attach. Still hate the interface of SF smile

Did you noticed, I've scanned all the documentation about Drake translation nothing says that SVN is bla bla etc.

As I said, documents about (only) TRANSLATING. I'm a bit lazy also cos didnt scanned the other parts of documentation. But I'm not a coder. Just translating. And in fact not that much out of sense smile


And, I've find the documentation in SF and takes too much of pages that takes more than translate (this matters of time)

That was not about Drake. It was about SVN doc over SF but seems created for idiots and starts from A B C's with a lots of unneccesary thing thats why a short doc becomes a book. Thats why I quit read.


??? Who said you should read SF.net documentation? You don't have to.

Explained up. Just about SVN

Thanks a lot for help and spended time. I usually write long entrys and answering takes long too I can understand that I'm a trouble in support:)
But last please (which I wite in the beginning of this topic.) How could I Attach a zip file to the task tracker.

What to click? Is there a hidden optinons tab or else?
Re : Will be betteron remote host
05 June 2007 03:18
Anonymous Quote:


When finished, you open the Turkish translation task tracker item and post a comment saying "ready and verified for vx.x.x" with a zipped attachment of the tr folder.

Ok that way is perfect for me at the moment. If Drake moves too much fast (hope will) and I start to have troubles with following up I'll try the SVN
But (sorry again, a question) I have a problem with that way also. I have tried to simulate send one but there is no option for attachment. I said maybe in the next screen but dosent an emty entry gone there (also dosent allow to delete sorry for trash smile
Just guide me to how to attach. Still hate the interface of SF :)

blinkActually looks like attachments are no more possible unsurePlease use the patches tracker for attachments submission; I am sorry for this situation...we will do something for it in the near future.

I can't say that I like the interfaces on SF...when the project will be bigger we will probably have custom project management facilities smile
P.S. I have deleted the test tracker in translations



Did you noticed, I've scanned all the documentation about Drake translation nothing says that SVN is bla bla etc.

As I said, documents about (only) TRANSLATING. I'm a bit lazy also cos didnt scanned the other parts of documentation. But I'm not a coder. Just translating. And in fact not that much out of sense smile

I understand, the problem have been the broken links.



And, I've find the documentation in SF and takes too much of pages that takes more than translate (this matters of time)

That was not about Drake. It was about SVN doc over SF but seems created for idiots and starts from A B C's with a lots of unneccesary thing thats why a short doc becomes a book. Thats why I quit read.

I agree...anyway did you find our page useful instead?


Thanks a lot for help and spended time. I usually write long entrys and answering takes long too I can understand that I'm a trouble in support:)
But last please (which I wite in the beginning of this topic.) How could I Attach a zip file to the task tracker.

What to click? Is there a hidden optinons tab or else?

(Explained above) Don't worry, I will answer to each point - feel free to ask more questions, there is no problem.

06 June 2007 06:12
Anonymous Now Turkish is nearly complete (but tests) over latest public release, now I installed (as you offer) the 0.4.3 rev 3593 SVN

So. After setup I directly move the copy of completed TR folder (i didnt created a new TR instance,just copied the old to lang folder) under lang folder and go to language administration page then...

click REPAIR
and then click VERIFY (maybe not mandatory but causes no harm isnt it?

And are these steps are correct?
install SVN, move tr folder, repair & verify

Then go over new sources...
Now please reply me urgently about this procedure (as I understand) correct or not. I say urgent cos now I have time and after your approval I'l send the new one just today.

Best regards
06 June 2007 06:46
Anonymous Sure it is correct!

Please directly email me instead of using the forums the next time; you will get a quicker reply if you have an urgent question.

Thank you very much!