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Home page Translations > Translation script for masses! Permanent link to this page
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Translation script for masses!
04 July 2007 22:37
Anonymous The translation script is fantastic. I think it can be offered as separate application for many others projects which do translation in similar way as Drake... i.e. PHPWebGallery...

Re: Translation script for masses!
05 July 2007 17:08
Anonymous Theorically, if another PHP application uses PHP include files for its translation then it might be possible to adapt it, but it's quite a huge amount of work that somebody must do!

I have in the past always published the new parts of Drake CMS which I was writing (PHPTarBackup, AnyXML, PHPPatcher etc.) as separate SF.net projects to allow other users exploit them in the truly open source spirit, however I did not do anything similar with the language component because I think it is too much hard-wired to the Drake CMS core...

Anyway, the idea is good, if they can implement it in a similar way they will find a lot of pieces of code already written or from which take anyway inspiration.
Re: Translation script for masses!
06 July 2007 11:39
Anonymous Unfortunately my PHP knowlege is basical and i dont feel able to do it. (But ... you newer know...)
But looking forward and hope that someone would try it. cheerful