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Home page Translations > Swedish translation of Drake CMS Permanent link to this page
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Swedish translation of Drake CMS
19 May 2007 21:34
Anonymous Hej alla svenskar!

Think is only a matter of time
before we can get a swedish language file for this CMS.
Sweden is one the countries in world
with most Computers and Internet per capita.

Did you know that many of the most successful things we use
are inventions and ideas from Sweden?

Just a few examples:
- Skype... internet telephony .... by a swedish
- punBB www.punBB.org ... excellent open source forum .. by R. Andersson, Sweden
which can be installed using SQLite by default!!!

... and there are many more, for sure!

1. there are many many swedish reading this Drake forum
and following the development of Drake
2. some of them, might already have done a swedish translation for Drake
3. myself, phpMaster is here, from very north of Sweden

If anyone from Sweden wants some assistance
with making 'svensk översättning' ( swedish translation )
I may have time to help a bit or give advice.
( I have several other php scripts I am busy with ... )

Anyway, here we have a place to discuss, in this topic I made.
Anybody interested is welcome smile
Re : Swedish translation of Drake CMS
20 May 2007 01:56
Anonymous Quote:

Did you know that many of the most successful things we use
are inventions and ideas from Sweden?

And let's not forget the Italians too! winkI think that most old countries have had inventors and good inventions


1. there are many many swedish reading this Drake forum
and following the development of Drake
2. some of them, might already have done a swedish translation for Drake
3. myself, phpMaster is here, from very north of Sweden

Please read Tutorial: creating a language


If anyone from Sweden wants some assistance
with making 'svensk översättning' ( swedish translation )
I may have time to help a bit or give advice.
( I have several other php scripts I am busy with ... )

Anyway, here we have a place to discuss, in this topic I made.
Anybody interested is welcome smile

I have setup a forum category in the international forums: From Sweden

That's the a better place for your connationals' discussion; you are free to use your mother language there, and I will make you the moderator too (if you agree).
