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Home page Translations > Spanish Translate Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Spanish Translate
19 August 2007 15:17
Anonymous HI, I translate drake to the Spanish language.

where it send?
Re: Spanish Translate
20 August 2007 03:38
Anonymous Hi and Welcome

Thank you for being interested enough to have spent the time working on translating.

The official Spanish translation has previousely been assigned to "madcat333" and they have been working on the task while we still go through the beta cycle SVN revisions.

If you contact he/she at madcat333 at users.sourceforge.net and send them your translation they can check it and incorporate any or all.

As you can appreciate while in the beta cycle the project needs to keep control of any external inputs like the translations. Users express a desire to help and if they can contribute in an area like translations, they are then added to the developers list and assigned that language as well as being given access to submitting to the SVN. That user then becomes the lead on that language and until such time as they leave or have it taken away are the single point of contact.

We hope you enjoy Drake CMS and continue to be interested enough to become a contributor in other areas. We think Drake CMS will become a very useful addition to the CMS scene.

In the meantime time make sure to read THIS
