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Home page Translations > Russian translation Permanent link to this page
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Russian translation
17 June 2007 21:32
Anonymous Нужна помощь в переводе системы на русский язык...
Если есть на этом форуме люди способные помочь, свяжитесь со мной...
Re : Russian translation
18 June 2007 01:18
Anonymous Hi...

These forums use English as the default language, there are a set of other language forums but at this time none for Russian.

Unfortunately I and the other devs cannot read your post, please post in English.

If you are after info on translations make sure you read the Translators Manual: Here

Thanks...and welcome to Drake CMS

Re : Russian translation
18 June 2007 16:33
Anonymous Sorry, my english is not good...

I want to translate CMS on russian language, but beside appeared the problems...
I simply looked for russian friends, capable to help me...

Hope in a short time give you full-fledged russian translation

Excuse me once again....
Re : Russian translation
19 June 2007 02:56
Anonymous No problem we all speak the same language in the end, Drake CMS..:-)

Make sure you read the manual etc...

There has already been a translator appointed for the Russian language, although there has not been a lot of activity of late, if you are interetsed in helping with an official Russian translation join SF and subscribe to the Translators mailing list.

See This Thread
Re: Russian translation
31 March 2008 15:21
Anonymous Hello everybody!

I just downloaded Drake CMS and installed to my website. I am Russian and would like to translate CMS interface to Russian and share translation. My English is fluent and I have IT background so it would be adequate translation.

I did not exactly understood about the translation to be done or not by regisered translator.

In fact I wil anyway do it for myself, I have already created Russian locale on my website and translated about 15-20% (spent one weekend so work won't take a year)))). As soon as work will be done I can share and probably will need some advice to create loadable copy of Russian module.

I have also registered at SourceForge
Username: rastermaster
Publicly displayed name: Andrey Mironov

Please advise what's next.

Andrey I Mironov aka RasterMaster

Re: Russian translation
04 April 2008 10:50
Anonymous I just found Russian translation in https://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/drakecms/i18n/russia n/lang/ru/

It seemes to me that my efforts are useless.
Does it correspond with current version of Drake CMS?
Why it is not mentioned in this section of the forum that translation is done?

Please advise.
Trying to make TortoiseSVN to upload the translation to my site...
