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Home page Translations > Romanian available Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Romanian available
25 September 2007 19:05
Anonymous Romanian language file is available, 99% translated for romanian users/visitors of your site. Administration section is still in english (mainly). You can download the file from this location:

[URL REMOVED by legolas558]

(delete this / only for Drake admins: please upload this file if you wish to the Drake CMS repository and than change the link above)

Thank You,
Re: Romanian available
10 October 2007 10:55
Anonymous Please read the Translator Manual

If you are interested in mantaining the official translation to Romanian, please contact billyv, who is the I18N Team coordinator.

I will now put those files on SVN, but next time the process must be done through the patches tracker

Re: Romanian available
10 October 2007 19:13
Anonymous I'm very busy at the moment wassatAnd I'm waiting for the stable release of Drake to publish my site (hope to see it on November 4, my birthday w00t) . Than I will post a new translation, better etc. if nobody else will do that.
Re: Romanian available
11 October 2007 17:25
Anonymous No problem - come back at translating when you feel ready smile