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Home page Translations > Polish Translation Permanent link to this page
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Polish Translation
13 June 2007 15:18
Anonymous HI, I translate drake to the Polish language.
I would like to share it, but I don't now where to upload it?

Re : Polish Translation
14 June 2007 03:03
Anonymous Hi, Welcome to Drake CMS..

Thanks for your efforts and interest...but...

There has been another tranlator assigned to the task, "stigi", unless that is you...

Have you read the Translators manual: Here

If you have problems etc, let us know.

Re : Polish Translation
14 June 2007 10:06
Anonymous Hi,
this is main polish translation for drake CMS v0.4.3rev.3644.
Polish lang. to drake CMSv 0.4.3

This is main second version. cool
So what you think?
Re: Re : Polish Translation
14 June 2007 15:02
Anonymous Quote:

this is main polish translation for drake CMS v0.4.3rev.3644.
Polish lang. to drake CMSv 0.4.3

This is main second version. cool
So what you think?

Hi shacca,

very nice to see so much interest and effort in translating Drake CMS smile
However, we have to keep a minimum organization not to let the project fall in chaos, so we cannot allow more than 1 mantainer per translation.

I have sent the file you submitted here to the current mantainer, stigi, maybe he will use part of it.

Anyway, you will know if that happens and you will be credited too, but remember that we cannot accept translations this way and that the mantainer has full power on the translation he is managing (that's because otherwise he would not be labelled as "mantainer" ) .


Edit: stigi has reviewed the translation but it is full of errors and mispellings
Re : Re: Re : Polish Translation
18 June 2007 15:00
Anonymous Hi All!

Thx for Drake CMS - I'm now working on my first web site (my company's).

LOL, I've made Polish translation on my own also. Wanted to share smile- I understand that we should avoid chaos.

Best regards to Drake team (and users from Poland)!

Re: Re : Re: Re : Polish Translation
21 June 2007 21:22
Anonymous No problem! smileJust wait for the official one and then you might also contribute with your review

Thanks for your support! cheerful
Antw : Polish Translation
22 June 2007 22:38
Anonymous If you'd like to help me with testing Polish translation (because it's nearly done) or even suggest your own language proposals, please send me an e-mail message to stigi@users.sourceforge.net and I'll give you further information smile