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Home page Translations > Hungarian translation Permanent link to this page
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Hungarian translation
24 November 2007 14:00
Anonymous I started translating the English language files into Hungarian.

I checked on them by veryfication:

In file ::/lang/hu/common.php:
WARNING: sprintf() special parameters '%' count mismatch for resource
_VALID_AZ09 (found 4 but should be 2)
In file ::/lang/hu/admin/admin.php:
WARNING: sprintf() special parameters '%' count mismatch for resource
_WARNING_CREATE_N_DOWNLOAD (found 2 but should be 1)
92 files processed

Are these erros associated with the %s parameters? Is the problem that I may have entered addition instances of these?

Re: Hungarian translation
25 November 2007 09:41
Anonymous Just translate literally the English text, without ignoring the highlighted %s !
Re: Hungarian translation
27 November 2007 21:42
Anonymous Hi docman!

Visit my homepage & you can download the hungarian language files.
Re: Hungarian translation
28 November 2007 08:45
  1. @GaLa, @docman: translators should apply as explained in the Translator Manual

  2. @GaLa: SVN versions of Drake CMS are not supported, e.g. your database will not be imported in future versions - that's because SVN versions are unstable and not meant for production websites, for testing only

No competition is necessary to make translations; we here at the Drake CMS team need people who will mantain the translation, it does not matter how fast they are at translating.

The official translations will be packaged and released with each main release of Drake CMS