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Home page Translations > How do I add an existing localisation to my site? Permanent link to this page
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How do I add an existing localisation to my site?
08 December 2007 17:22
Anonymous Hi,
assuming the translation into the desired language is finished for the current drake version, how do I get the files?
Are they automatically offered in the 'language manager' in the
backend? Or do I have to search them on soureforge? Is there some hint/link on the offical website?
Re: How do I add an existing localisation to my site?
08 December 2007 19:51
Anonymous Quote by Roland:

assuming the translation into the desired language is finished for the current drake version, how do I get the files?
Are they automatically offered in the 'language manager' in the
backend? Or do I have to search them on soureforge? Is there some hint/link on the offical website?

Basically you can do this by 2 methods:
1. Using 'Update' page in Drake CMS.
2. Exporting SVN repository: http://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/drakecms/i18n/XXX

where XXX is your language name.

I think that someday language packs will be also available on SF.net Downloads page.
Re: How do I add an existing localisation to my site?
10 December 2007 11:27
Anonymous Yes, language packs should also be released on SF.net.

Due to recent delays in package releases they are not yet, I will very soon make them available everywhere.