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Introduction to the Forum & Rules
These forums are centered on Drake CMS, Open Source software
and other Internet and computer matters. They are not a place to
promote ideological, religious, or political matters. All such
discussions will be deleted/closed.
Forums This site may make forums, message boards, and/or
new groups available to its users. Please remember that
information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public
information and you should exercise caution when deciding to
disclose your personal information.
the Web Site If you have any questions about this
privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings
with this web site, feel free to contact us at :
Respect for others is a
definite. We're a good natured bunch. There's lots of room both
for decent debates and light-hearted banter on this Forum. By and
large there is no moderating since it's been our experience that
the Forum moderates itself fairly well. The Forum is a place
where you can share your experiences, ask questions and learn
from the amazing wealth which is others' experiences of using
Drake CMS. The Forum is managed entirely by volunteers who also
happen to be Drake CMS supporters.
However, please be
aware that if you post something off topic, mean, or just plain
stupid, we will delete it and kick you out. The managers of the
Forum reserve the right to delete any post for any reason. We
also reserve the right to believe that people are essentially
good, and we trust that you will play your part in maintaining
the Forum as a warm and friendly place for all, new and old, to
visit and enjoy.
The following are definitely
Inflammatory, aggressive or abusive messages directed at fellow
posters on the Forum, for whatever reason. Coarse/insulting
language will not be tolerated.
Trolling - Being a royal pain in the rear.
This includes, but is not limited to, posting offensive messages
only to incite anger, posting the same thing over and over again
to waste space and ruin the flow of the Forum and the hurling
insults left and right in hopes of starting a flame war.
(Trolling is not someone who -- in the course of a real debate or
discussion -- pisses you off with a opinion that is different
from yours. That is quite ok, don't expect any intervention)
Address Harvesting - is also not on for
whatever purpose. If you want to use participants in one of your
surveys, contact Drake CMS to get support. It's the nice way to
do it. Remember, people often provide their email address to help
other participants get directly in contact. It's just not decent
to lift their address for your own evil ends. - is also not on
for whatever purpose.
Companies and individuals may not post anything which solicits
new customers or promotes their products or services under any
circumstances. If you've just heard about some kick-arse new
fangled technology that you want to tell us about, that's ok. If
you want to market and sell that kick-arse new fangled technology
on the Forum, that's not ok. If, having read this, you're still
not quite clear - email Drake CMS and we will clarify.
Bumping - We do not allow posting of responses
with just the word "bump" or something else equally
vacant for the sole purpose of keeping your post prominent in the
Forum. We do however welcome updates or new ideas to be added as
responses to your posts to bring it back to prominence. Be
Advertising- We do not
allow advertisements for the sale of commercial equipment such as
computers or software, however much of a bargain you are
offering, on the Forum.
Activities Do not discuss illegal activities. Our server
is hosted in the USA and so is subject to US law. Please do not
expose us to any unnecessary legal liability.
Language All posts must be in English, unless
posted in a specific international forum. If posting in a
international forum, please use the language of that forum, and
not English.Use your own words. If you wish to use the words of
somebody else, quote them, citing the source. Plagiarism is
unethical and is illegal in many countries.
Help Thank those who help you. Acknowledgement
of a helpful suggestion not only placates those who helped you,
it may also help others with a similar problem. All those who
have been helped on this forum are invited to help other users by
responding to their questions when they know the answer and /or
to consider donating to the project.
Linking Do not link to any site that contains
adult content, sexually oriented material or might otherwise be
considered offensive. Any post containing an inappropriate link
will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning. Do not
propose/link to any site that contains warez/copyrighted
software/materials that can be downloaded illegally.
Violations If you feel a post violates any of
these rules, or you need to bring it to the attention of a
moderator , please notify the moderators using the report a post