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Home page > Forum request > Greek forum request Permanent link to this page
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Greek forum request
06 July 2007 16:15
Anonymous I would be happy to have a greek forum, where greek people could talk about Drake, solve problems or just share their Drake-experiences!

Thanks in advance, Sia from Greece! smile

P.S. I already have created the greek support site drakegreece.ornicom.gr (which will be online, when the 1st stable version is out), but I think that a greek forum here at Drake CMS official website is absolutely necessary anyway.
Re: Greek forum request
10 July 2007 16:07
Anonymous Hi sia,

I will notify the request to trex1512, you Greek forums (where you can freely speak Greek) should be created very soon.

Thank you!! cheerful
Re: Greek forum request
10 July 2007 23:07
Anonymous Hi sia

Greek forum has been created, you are the mod for same.
