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Home page Templates > using custom javascript libraries Permanent link to this page
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using custom javascript libraries
10 May 2007 10:54
Anonymous Hello again.

Thank you Daniele for your very helpful and quick replies. It has really helped smile
If I want to create a template that uses a custom javascript library, like prototype,
scriptaculous, or just one of my own, can I do that?

If I include a folder named "scripts" with some javascript files in my custom template directory (drakecms/templates/my_cool_template/)
and call those javascript files from the HEAD section of my template (index.php), will that mess up anything in Drake?
Re : using custom javascript libraries
15 May 2007 23:51
Anonymous Hello hbryant,

thank you for pointing out issues related to the usage of Drake CMS - they'll help us to make it more usable for every user.

To answer your question: yes it is possible.

It won't mess up anything in Drake, just be sure to use $d_subpath for the relative paths so that also templates for subsites can be correctly sent to output.

Tip: we are probably going to add official prototype support in future (unofficial statement)