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Home page Templates > border around checkbox in mod_login Permanent link to this page
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border around checkbox in mod_login
31 July 2007 21:07
Anonymous Hi,

I need some help for my new template.

in my drake.css I have written for dk_inputbox :

.dk_inputbox {
font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 1em;
color: #000000;
background: #f2f4f5;
border: solid 1px #cccccc;
margin: 2px 0;
padding: 0;

In the module mod_login.php is a remember checkbox with a border around in IE6, which look not professionell.
You can see it also here on this website with the ie6.
With the firefox you have no border.

I found no way to disable the border with the css file.
At the moment I made a hack in mod_login for disabling
the border,


but there must be a better solution for this problem.


Re: border around checkbox in mod_login
02 August 2007 04:07
Anonymous Hi

Sorry for not having an answer for you, I just wanted to at least reply so you did not think you were being ignored.

Better minds than mine will have an answer....I hope, you may have the answer with your hack

Good luck..
Re: border around checkbox in mod_login
02 August 2007 10:21
Anonymous I think that IE6 does not get the dk_inputbox properties for that checkbox...can you file a bug report for this?

We are still officially supporting IE6, I will assign the bug to rsaverse which has more experience than me on these CSS issues