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Templates for Drake CMS
26 January 2008 15:16
Anonymous The Artesin site is now reachable for testing templates. And those ready to use can be downloaded from there too.
Menu is in Netherish, but you will work it out. ;)

From 26th of januari 2008 there is also a new template called Clean Plate. This is CSS based, with no graphics added. It is extremely small, and thus fast.

You can find it here:
Artesin dot Oldambtmeer dot NET
Re: Templates for Drake CMS
26 January 2008 19:21
Anonymous Hi Jonno,

I see we have a new productive template artist here smile
Could you please submit a contribution containing all the templates that you would like to be shared in the Drake CMS project?

We will put them on SVN and release them when ready.
Re: Templates for Drake CMS
26 January 2008 20:17
Anonymous @legolas558Quote:
Could you please submit a contribution containing all the templates that you would like to be shared

Will do so when I am ok with the results of my plates smile
Currently I am sharing some to download, to experiment with.

Have one that is coming close to what I think is ok.
So far it worked fine in Firefox.

Right now almost in IE too.

{Contributed Clean Plate}
Re: Templates for Drake CMS
30 January 2008 09:50
Anonymous Jonno,

Could you also make one (this one) in greys?

Jonno, het zou mooi zijn als je van deze mooi uitziende template er enkele zou kunnen maken in verschillende kleuren, bvb. blauw (zoals hij nu is), groen, grijs, etc.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Templates for Drake CMS
31 January 2008 16:47
Anonymous @AwrogQuote:
Could you also make one (this one) in greys

smileActually I am working on an even more basic one in grey. Will also do more colorschemes based on Clear Plate.

[nederlands] Ik zal de Clean Plate wat in verschillende kleurstijlen gaan doen. Werk ook nog aan een grijze die nog meer basic is dan Clean Plate[/nederlands]

Will keep you posted.
Re: Templates for Drake CMS
02 February 2008 14:50
Anonymous Done the Grey version.
Called Grey plate, ready for download.