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Home page Templates > Template used on old Drake's web site Permanent link to this page
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Template used on old Drake's web site
23 March 2008 12:36
Anonymous Good morning everyone,

I've looked around and went to an old drake's web site (http://drakecms.org/index.php).

I would like to know which template is use on this web site. Does someone know it? (Maybe it's still on limbo-cms...?

Does someone know if it's possible to use this template with the current Drake-cms release? or the future lanius cms? And download it?

Or, if the conversion is easy for a non programmer?

Thank you very much,

Re: Template used on old Drake's web site
23 March 2008 15:02
Anonymous Its a Limbo template, unfortunately the administrator for the site, Lance Lape, has not been contactable for many months.

The template would require extensive modification to work with Drake CMS..
Re: Template used on old Drake's web site
25 March 2008 12:52
Anonymous That template is available for Limbo CMS and Joomla, its name is 'mbt_grey' and I found it through google:

Download from www.nasic.moe.go.th

It will not work on Drake CMS because it needs conversion...