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Home page Templates > Invalid CSS class declaration Permanent link to this page
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Invalid CSS class declaration
19 October 2007 22:34
Anonymous Taking some break from Documentation, I've made a new template. However, I've encountered a conflict between 2x different colors (exactly: 'black' and 'white'). In drake.css we have:


I need to set color value of 'dk_select' to '#000000' and for 'dk_inputbox' to '#FFFFFF'. Setting individual color to 'dk_select' doesn't work, because (for example) in file components/event/event.html.php you can find:

<select name="month" class="dk_inputbox">


<select name="year" class="dk_inputbox">

I think that class for all <select> components should be changed to 'dk_select'. This issue affects not only Event Calendar, but also Poll ('Select a poll' select box), Forum ('Jump to' select box), Registration form (every select box) and maybe even all components.

Please correct this so I can publish my template.

EDIT: One more thing: what about moving CSS styles from gallery.css to .CSS stylesheets in /templates ? I've had to override background attribute of .imagelist to 'black' by setting this in template_css.css.
Re: Invalid CSS class declaration
20 October 2007 23:19
Anonymous I will tell rsavarese about this issue

About moving the gallery CSS: we have had a discussion about this...since the gallery component is not a core component we cannot move it to the templates' CSS.

Its CSS can be overriden in template_css.css as you did
Re: Invalid CSS class declaration
20 October 2007 23:45
Anonymous OK, so I'll wait for a fix. If anyone want to see how this theme looks, here is a screenshot:

Re: Invalid CSS class declaration
21 October 2007 00:12
Anonymous Interesting....

Clean and simple....
Re: Invalid CSS class declaration
21 October 2007 16:20
Anonymous Hi stigi,
sorry for my english..


I need to set color value of 'dk_select' to '#000000' and for 'dk_inputbox' to '#FFFFFF'. Setting individual color to 'dk_select' doesn't work, because (for example) in file components/event/event.html.php you can find:

<select name="month" class="dk_inputbox">

dk_inputbox is a global class (drake.css) for all form objects (textbox,teaxarea,select etc.).
If you want personalize a 'select' object in a component use the css selector in appropriate class:
In file template_css.css > section component classes > event

.dkcom_event select
color : #ffffff;

This change is applied only on specified 'select' object.


I think that class for all <select> components should be changed to 'dk_select'. This issue affects not only Event Calendar, but also Poll ('Select a poll' select box), Forum ('Jump to' select box), Registration form (every select box) and maybe even all components.

The components are not 'core code' (no global css classes). Use separate css class for personalizations (template_css.css file, appropriate section).

Re: Invalid CSS class declaration
21 October 2007 17:53
Anonymous Thank you for your hints, I'll include theme in a new topic.