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Home page Templates > Inset block to use or not to use [Solved] Permanent link to this page
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Inset block to use or not to use [Solved]
15 January 2008 20:08
Anonymous At first when converting the XOOPS template I started using the Inset block. But because I had doubts about it, I used user4 instead.
This is for where the title comes and next to that the event calender. Works with user4 too, but I had another idea for it.
Can anyone tell me if I can use the inset block at all?
Re: Inset block to use or not to use
15 January 2008 23:46
Anonymous Its up to you..

As long as it all "jells" together and follows the expected placement of the other positions so a user does not get to confused ie everyone expects the "top" position to be at the top not at the bottom grin
Re: Inset block to use or not to use
16 January 2008 08:06
Anonymous Quote:
As long as it all "jells" together and follows the expected placement of the other positions so a user does not get to confused ie everyone expects the "top" position to be at the top not at the bottom grin

laughingOk, will use the inset too, thx, it is ideal for the spot.