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Home page Templates > Help needed with 2 incomplete templates Permanent link to this page
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Help needed with 2 incomplete templates
08 December 2007 20:24
Anonymous Hello,

As you have probably already seen, a templates pack was released along with Drake CMS 0.4.9. While checking templates, I've encounter problems with 2 templates (they're available under https://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/drakecms/branches/bl ake/templates):
- freakred
- rhuk_solarflare_ii

The first one doesn't look like it should (you can see this by viewing it's template thumbnail). The second one has the same problem + it's HTML code (in index.php) breaks.

If someone can fix them (and I think it's worth to fix them, as normally they were looking very nice), the Drake Team would be very grateful!
Re: Help needed with 2 incomplete templates
08 December 2007 23:02
Anonymous I just downloaded rhuk files.
Sorry if i`m wrong, but rhuk theme in Drake SVN is a limbo template... thants why is not working with Drake. I like the theme... and i`ll try to make one very similar for my site i`ll launch next year. If i`m making it i will make available html code.
And hey, Stigi, you`re the new Templates Releases CEO? tongue
Re: Help needed with 2 incomplete templates
08 December 2007 23:43
Anonymous Quote by adrian:

I just downloaded rhuk files.
Sorry if i`m wrong, but rhuk theme in Drake SVN is a limbo template... thants why is not working with Drake. I like the theme... and i`ll try to make one very similar for my site i`ll launch next year. If i`m making it i will make available html code.

Great! Actually, you might be right - it's a very old template (although very nice). When you finish website, let us know! smile

Quote by adrian:

And hey, Stigi, you`re the new Templates Releases CEO? tongue

Sort of winkI'm helping Daniele only with templates releases, rsavarese (our CSS/Templates Team Manager) is responsible for every other templates aspect.