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Home page Templates > (Finally!) Template creation tutorial! Permanent link to this page
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(Finally!) Template creation tutorial!
15 September 2007 15:40
Anonymous I finished the translation of the tutorial on templates creation written by rsavarese

I hope it helps!

Feel free to ask any question / post suggestions here, rsavarese will be reading it smile
Re: (Finally!) Template creation tutorial!
16 September 2007 04:31
Anonymous Bravo.... cheerful Daniele and rsavarese

Now that we may have users creating templates and then hopefully addons etc, are we going to need some form of central certification and somewhere central to store same.

What do you think?
Re: (Finally!) Template creation tutorial!
16 September 2007 08:41
Anonymous Quote:

Now that we may have users creating templates and then hopefully addons etc, are we going to need some form of central certification and somewhere central to store same.

What do you think?

It's already planned (and there is also a feature request about the certification system)
Re: (Finally!) Template creation tutorial!
19 September 2007 18:24
Anonymous Will there be translations to other languages?

Re: (Finally!) Template creation tutorial!
20 September 2007 16:29
Anonymous Quote:

Will there be translations to other languages?

Translation of the documentation to other languages has not started, this one has been originally written in Italian and then translated to English.

Please ask to the German translation mantainer for a German translation of the tutorial, which could of course be added to SVN and made available.
Re: (Finally!) Template creation tutorial!
20 September 2007 17:11
Anonymous Ok, I will look for the german translator...